Elann never drifted off. Her bond would remain buzzing all night, yet there were times when her husband's faded. Elann actually enjoyed traveling at night. It seemed to make the distance they made take no time at all. Laying on her husband's lap with her head, she continued to pet his thigh, lulling him into deeper sleep, but then the wagon would bump and he would come back awake. They went on like that until she had felt them come to a stop. She eventually head out the back and met with the people who were being gathered up. It was pitch black out, but the head wagoner had a lantern. He expressed how they were camping here for the night and then there were some questions raised as to how safe it was. He spoke to the distance they had traveled and how unlikely it would be for them to pursue. He then went into how the guards were going to keep an eye out all night long and that people should pitch their tents. Much like in the earlier evening, the cook went about getting a fire started, but there was a lot more grumbling due to the darkness. Eventually he got it going though as the questions finally stopped hitting the wagon master and sleepily he began to cook another meal for people who wanted something. Alena's parent came to Elann to ask how she was doing and she said fine. They told Elann they would come get her after they set up their tent. It was then that Elann came back by the wagon and quietly climbed up inside. Feeling Noah's bond active, she moved silently over to the tent and knelt down to speak softly to her husband. "They will come get her in a few minutes. I'm going to make up the tent because we are stopping here until noon. Did you want something to eat? I think the cook is making something." If he did, she would as quietly as possible, haul the tent out and leave it in the spot she was going to set up, but she would first get him food. If not, she would just begin to set up the tent and light a lantern inside since it was so dark. The moon was thickly behind some clouds and only the fire seemed to give the small area a tiny bit of light. Eventually Alena's parents and Elann would come back to the wagon and they would express their thanks for watching her. Elann would come in and collect the little girl, who naturally did not wake up and would likely wake up in their tent like it was all a dream. Elann would then proceed to help Noah move to the tent where an extra nice comfy bed had been made. Inside it was light, but from the outside, there was little evidence that a lantern was indoors.