[hr] [center][h1] Magical Notes [/h1][/center] [hr] [center] [h2][i][color=9932cc]Imperial Capital of Arpeggio[/color][/i][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OeWQbz9.png?1[/img] [h3][color=9932cc]Imperial Colosseum[/color][/h3] [url=https://youtu.be/obkEPvFDbac]BGM[/url] [/center] [i]“The Imperial Colosseum, pride and joy of the Heart of the Imperial and the biggest and most impressive battle arena in the whole world. As the time for the festivities of the Battle Royale to begin approached the arena was getting more and more crowded and even on the Arena Square, encircling it, places to watch the competition from one of the many giant projectors set up by the organizational committee were starting to become rare. Most people, specially those on far away places resorted to watch the preparations for competition in the comfort of their homes, or in a bar among a drink or two. As the guest of honor, [url=http://i.imgur.com/b7UVT3a.jpg]Ires Ralkeyk Bach[/url], First Crown Princess and Supreme Military Commander of the Bach Empire, Da Capo's strongest Song Knight, took center at the royal tribune and planted her sword on the polished marble floor, producing a dry CLACK sound the Colloseum drew quiet. It was about time it all began.”[/i] "People of Da Capo", Ires' powerful voice echoed through the arena and the monitors world wide, many being fascinated for being able to peer into her beauty for the first time in her life. "Today we stand here, celebrating yet another Liberation Festival. On this symbolic day that marks the downfall of the Goddess of Strife and her army of darkness as well as the beginning of a new era for all of us, we praise the sacrifices of those who fell in battle eons ago with songs, rituals and battle. And for this very last reason we are reunited here at the Imperial Colloseum, where in but a few minutes the youth of Da Capo's military academies and their Spirits will be demonstrating the power and skill that will carry on the future on this Battle Royale. Let us honor them with our voices and cheering. May the Gods, even though dead, bless us again on this day!" As the Princess stepped away from the podium, wild cheering exploded not only through the Colosseum, but through all of Da Capo. Family, friends and even rivals have waited this day for the whole of the past year and now the time had come, for another Battle Royale to take place. Who will be the one to claim the glorious cup this year and earn fame and prestige to both themselves, their academy, country and family? This we are about to know. Through all of Arpeggio fireworks blasted and bells towed, signaling that only half an hour was left before the competition began. Whatever competitors left should hurry themselves to the Colosseum with posthaste for the scheduled events would not be changed for no one. In the meanwhile, to entertain the public, the Imperial Theater Troupe perform a traditional play based of the legends about the final battle of the Great War and the fall of the Goddess of Strife, even though the role of the founder of Empire, Bach I, the Marshal of the North, was considerably expanded in any Imperial presentation of the play as expected of the people who literally live on pride. [center][b]* * *[/b][/center] [center] [h3][i][color=00aeef]Sienna Aquarian[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dgvnc9G.png[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/oUQ5IEvnDrE]BGM[/url] [/center] Cass would find quickly that this time Sienna was prepared for his tricks, since she knew that the insistent trap knight was going to come after her either she like it or not. [color=00aeef]"Sorry for that, I'll try to return it later!"[/color] Sienna yelled after barreling through a crowd and stealing a cask of grape juice from god knows who. The thief then cut the cork with one of her daggers, and (after taking a chug of the juice) she threw the cask up, spilling it all in a chaotic pattern, yelling [color=00aeef]"Rin! Ice Marbles!"[/color] The Ice Fairy replied with a cheery [color=00aeef]"Hai!"[/color] and with a blast of cold wind she turned the droplets of juice into thousands of tiny ice marbles, covering the street with them, making everything slick like grease. With another sharp turn Sienna came to a bridge over the a lower level street and, waiting for Cass to be in her sight line, she said [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry, Charming, but I don't have much time to play today. I have to do the greatest heist of the century. See ya"[/color] Blowing a kiss to the Trap Knight just as the bells and fireworks began to sound through Arpeggio, Sienna dropped from the high bridge just when a hay cart was passing bellow with a destination to god knows where. In the place where she last touched the railing was another ice chrysanthemums, presumably Sienna's calling card as the Icy Thief. [center] [h3][i][color=f26522]Claudia Blair[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bmBXQ5i.png[/img] [/center] [color=f26522]"Hey, hey, boy! Don't put your cart before the horses."[/color] Claudia said taking the buffoon's hand away from Ravel, who was flustered and quivering from the sudden turn of events, [color=f26522]"Cla-Claudia what's happening here? I'm sorry but I-I can't accept such a-"[/color] though it wasn't even necessary for Ravel to try and negate the weird man's humiliating proposal as Claudia took charge of pushing him aside and said, [color=f26522]"Ok, that was a funny show, but if you get close to Ravel like this again, I'll punch that flute down your throat, do you hear me?"[/color] [color=f26522]"Let's go, Ravie, we still have to find somewhere to eat something before the competitions starts."[/color] Claudia grabbed her Spirit's hand and went away even as Ravel tried to at least offer a parting bow to the street performer, despite his rudeness. A little time later they would find themselves into a restaurant where, among the other less remarkable patrons, there was also a couple of Song Knights and their Spirits. In fact, one of them was even known to Claudia, from last year's tournament, [color=f26522]"Hi there, Vic!"[/color] Claudia said casually as she approached their table from the counter while Ravel carried their two orders. [color=f26522]"You know, that was a great battle last year. I hope we can cross blades again on this year's Battle Royale."[/color] Claudia and Ravel sat besides Victor and Aura's table, [color=f26522]"It's nice to meet you again, Cloud and Victor, I hope my fire hasn't hurt you too much last time. Also, hello to you two"[/color], Ravel said, gesturing to both Aura and Ai, then to Claudia and herself, [color=f26522]"I guess this is the first time we meet each other, this is Claudia Blair, my Knight and I'm Ravel, the Immortal Fire Bird. It's a pleasure meeting you."[/color] After Ravel made the formal introductions, Claudia reached forth and lightly (for her) slapped Victor's shoulder a couple times before saying between grinning teeth, [color=f26522]"So, Vic, who's this one? She sure looks like your type. Almost makes me jealous, girl."[/color] However, as Claudia was on the middle of her typical spiel, the signal for the stray Song Knights around the city to gather at the arena, resounded. [color=f26522]"Oh man, it's already this late, damn, if we don't gobble this down and hurry up we will be late for the opening ceremony. Let's go, people"[/color] With this Claudia dug on her food with the rage of a thousand hungry wolves, before getting ready to move to the competition. Ravel merely shrugged and smiled at the others, before excusing herself to finish her breakfast to accompany Claudia to the arena. [center][b]* * *[/b][/center] Back at the market... As the issue regarding the Dissonance seemed to only escalate and escalate further, the city guard finally made their way there. The guards scattered about, revealing the very own Captain of Guard, [url=http://i.imgur.com/XsR7Npt.jpg]Ahab "Grizzly" Schwarzbart[/url], a veteran with over forty years of service in the army who retired and joined the Guard, after losing an arm to Wolfgangian cannon fire. A no-nonsense man whose sheer experience more than makes up for the lack of magical powers, in fact he's very verbal in his hate for the fact that ever since Princess assumed command of the army, the Song Knight elitism in the high echelons of power has increased twice fold, normal humans having little to no chance of rising above the rank of Major, if they even get that far. If it kept like this, Ires might even gain enough support to be able to convince the Imperial Senate to void the Song Knight regulation laws on Bach, which would turn the Empire into a true fascist state were the powerful elite rules and the others are forced into obedience. "What's happening here? Control this mob immedately, use whatever force you need to but keep it nonlethal, unless they fight back." Ahab asked gesturing to his men with a commanding move of his gauntlet clad stump. "We were investigating an accusation of murder during a bar brawl a few block away from here, but the notice of Dissonance sighting takes priority, so... can anyone explain this to me?" Ahab then turned to the tremor coming from behind them and looked appealed to see how stupid these irresponsible kids should be... as expected of Song Knights, anyway. "You there, dismiss this thing now! That's the one and only warning I'll give before placing a Sealing Order on your head. Don't you kids have any notion of the impact the power you have carry on other persons?" The old soldier blared, just at that time the bells for the competition began to resound and the fire works blasted. "I get it that you all are here for the Battle Royale, right? Since you seemed to have taken down a rampant Dissonance and saved who knows how many lives, I'll let you all slide out of this confusion with a single warning, slip again and we will be there to get you." "Now get off my sight, you all." Ahab yelled dismissing the Song Knights in order to deal with the crowd. In this whole confusion, someone or more then one person bumped into the crouching Randar, causing him to lose sight of the mysterious girl for a fraction of a second which was more than enough for her to disappear from his sights. Who or what she is still being a total mystery. One has to wonder if it'll be solved soon?