Regina had felt Sakaala coming before she heard the lioness's voice. She knew that she was not as big a threat as her ally, opting to step to the side to allow the beast woman to have the mage's attention. Both Sakaala and the man spoke and readied spells. Regina, however, was trying to use this time to get into the man's mind. Just as she was about to, though, the ceiling collapsed. She launched a dagger past the man's face, wanting him to see it miss him. "The next one won't miss." she said, floating herself closer to him. "Tell us why you're here before I have to dig through your mind." She hoped he wouldn't make her force into his mind. She doubted she could at this point, not without some much-needed rest first. If he were to truly study her floating form, he would see a bit of a falter in her concentration.