Noah lied down and watched Elann move through the tent, closing it up before moving to him. He rolled carefully onto his back and watched her undo the string of his pants before pulling them down his legs and off. He didn’t resist her movements, simply rolling back over onto his stomach to clutch the pillow below him again. She stated her tiredness, asking the same of him, and he hummed in agreement. He had slept the day away but the night was far more eventful than he bargained for. It was a stressful evening and the gems took far more willpower than before to strike out against their assailants; the chaining lightning alone was draining as if he was using Reimancy as well, but he had to call upon the mental strength to bid the gems to do what he wished. Watching her still, he observed her dress coming off and traced the iridescent gnosis marking of Yahal with his eyes. Elann hadn’t told him about it for a considerable amount of time since them become friends and then a sect of lovers without the physical loving. When she did tell him, he wasn’t allowed to see it in full because it took up the whole of her back. He was allowed to see the portion which took up the upper part of her shoulder, and from seeing it he was appreciative of its beauty because it was beauteous in his eyes. His own gnosis marking was made up of shimmering silvers and blues, a hurricane which swirled in real-time on his back, orbiting a common eye. Noah was quiet as she came to kneel beside him again, the brush being coursed through her strands soon after it was picked up. He was an onlooker and had no problem silently watching people or things go through their motions. It was what he often did in the wild where creatures were always tiptoeing around just hoping they could go about their day without encountering something life threatening, something like him. When full, he didn’t bother the woodland creatures as much as he watched them, and to him Elann resembled one of them. In fact, most humans resembled that. He figure they had the same ideals in mind: hoping they could get through the day without something distressing them. Watching Elann, above all, had become a way to pass the time for him. In Syliras, in her apartment, if he wasn’t watching her go through the living room cooking breakfast, or any meal, or going about her other trifle tasks, he was watching the citizens of Syliras through the window. He could exist in utter quiet, and it showed here as his eyes, olive in the warm lantern light, followed Elann and her movements without a peep from him. It could be supposed he watched her with a sense of affection because she was the center of his attention.