[@Shiny Keldeo] [@Ninian] [@Light Lord] [color=#FFCCCC][h1][b]Hat[/b][/h1][/color] [i]Valiant Village, Sawk and Throh Dojo, Afternoon[/i] Hat continued to hide in Celty’s shadow, trying her best not to be noticed by her. Since the fighting had broken out, she’d just been running alongside the others, trying to keep near them. She didn’t want to get involved in any fights, and neither did they. Common interest is a wonderful thing. From what she could overhear, not only had there been an [i]actual[/i] attack by an outlaw on the town, but it had been the same one she’d chosen, the Scizor. To make matters worse, the Pokemon responsible for defeating him was here... And he was a Lucario. Hat had expected a ghost type, or maybe even a psychic, but a Lucario? That was bad. Really, really, really bad. Lucario were rumored to be able to read your mind, without you even noticing. They were strong, fast, and clever, and she had no way of defending herself from being mind-read, identified, and locked up. She had to esca- She couldn’t escape. After an attack like that, town security would be very high. She wouldn’t be able to get out without good reason. No, she had to hide, somehow. She had to find a way to either conceal or disguise herself to the point that the Lucario wouldn’t be able to invade her mind. But, how?