Ajax hid the key within his loincloth and mouthed a foul curse in his native tongue as the young servant fled, terror warping her features. At least he had been right, or so he had reason to believe, and he wondered whether the rest would actually side against a former partner of theirs. He hoped the groaning and creaking of the house would sway them. He was not magically inclined and could not actually discern what dark arts had gone into creating this massive death trap, but he could feel the sorcery, smell its foulness. By the gods, how he hated all matters concerning wizards and their ilk. Fat lot of weaklings them all. As the manor seemingly came to life around him, Ajax smashed one of his massive fists into a wall. Without preparation, it still left a sizeable crater with an obvious outline of his knuckles right in the center. "You'll not find me easy prey", he hissed with a grin as he bent down low in a four-point stance. Weight balanced forward with both fists on the ground, legs coiled tightly and ready to spring him forth. It was a way to maximize explosive movement and leverage in one direction: straight ahead. With a warcry as inhuman as any demon's Ajax exploded down the secret hallway as his feet blasted chunks of the floor backwards. Ajax was by no means an agile man, but his extremely powerful legs allowed him to build up ridiculous speeds in bursts and that is exactly what he did as he charged through the passageway. The house sensed his approach and tried to stop him, forming walls and collapsing parts of itself to try and block his way. Time and time again Ajax smashed into the obstacles shoulder-first with the force of a 300 pound cannonball before bringing his elbow and forearm to bear, blasting aside what the charge had not already reduced to rubble. Gaping maws formed on the floor were cleared with beastly leaps that bore little in common with an athlete's practiced vaulting. So caught up in his charge he was that Ajax did not really see the door at the end of the corridor, and so he burst through the scene quite literally through what had before looked like a mere wall before stomping down to grind himself to a halt. Very dynamic, but not at all subtle.