Adrian looked at Abigail and nodded. "He'll be fine. Felix is fully capable of handling himself; the last I saw of him, we were in his room. There was a small disagreement, but nothing unusual... Although he's very professional, you know my brother is an avid romantic... I wouldn't be surprised if he lost track of time while out on a walk... I don't believe I'll ever understand him," He said, sighing and crossing his arms. The two of them had always shared such a connection, naturally, as he had been the one to change her. For the life of him, she was the only one in the pack that he couldn't leave; of course, he had no reason to go and he would never abandon his brother, but he felt an irresistible need to keep watch over her. She was his responsibility, it seemed, no matter how able-bodied she was. "Thankfully Felix is relatively new... I think I can handle it," He said confidently. It was a full-out lie; there was one person he [i]knew[/i] would never fall for it, but she would never make a scene of it. Sera would not even need to hear him speak to know that something was amiss. There was no way she would simply fall for it, but the others likely would. As an imposing figure took his place in the room silently, Adrian rolled his eyes, raising his voice. "Nice of you to join us, Fenris... It's always relieving to see that you can make time for the rest of your kind," He said with more than a little bit of irritation. Why did Felix insist on inviting the wolf? He was rogue, even if he was part of his own pack, and for some reason Adrian's brother made an effort to include him at the meeting. Even more puzzling to the lycan was why Fenris would accept, but seem to care little for it. The Lycan shrugged and looked to their Alpha for a moment to see what he would have to say. He was entirely passive at this point, a hand on his chin as he mauled over how to handle the rest of the evening. Several moments later, the last of their pack was to arrive... an absolute mess. Adrian groaned and placed a hand to his face; the girl seemed to have been wearing what was once formal attire. While Adrian himself was not dressed in the most appropriate apparel - merely wearing a black, open long-coat with a basic white shirt beneath and a pair of plain combat-style boots. He was far from looking classy, unlike his brother... In the pit of his stomach, Adrian felt something twist; where was he..? He decided to shake it away - Felix would be back, he was certain of it. What are the chances that anything happened, anyway? What [i]could[/i] happen?