[quote=@Brink_] [@Hael] [img]http://imgur.com/hEswjee[/img] I think I'll be taking my because of this undoubtedly unwarranted aggression. [/quote] Your image is broken, but I went to the link to see what it is. I liked the post only as a way to show I was listening and OPEN to the idea, but I did not mean to imply that I had yet fully agreed. Messing with other people's history is a big deal in my book- it's the sort of thing that you need a "Yes, I'm okay with that" on, as just politeness. I don't think being upset was unwarranted. I never gave a clear "yes", or "go ahead", for you. I would not have changed your history so easily- pay me the same kindness. I'm not angry at you, as I've had time to cool off, but it is something that most be fixed. I've realized that you have to act pissed off and aggressive sometimes, otherwise people will just keep arguing and making excuses- I needed to be clear that I wasn't going to bend on this. EDIT: but if you feel the need to leave over this, so be it. It seems a waste, though.