[center][h3]Yossarian[/h3][/center] [center][color=a187be]"There's no point in being grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes." - Tom Baker.[/color][/center] [center][b]Appearance[/b][/center] [center]I'm pretty tall, standing at 6' 1". I've got dark brown hair in dire need of a haircut that likes to curl out in weird ways (especially out to the sides and front), and naturally narrow eyes to match, which themselves are framed by a thin pair of glasses with a bunch of bite marks on the ends of the frames. Add in some Resting Bitch Face Syndrome, and you've probably got my face. I'm a tad bit pudgy, which probably owes itself to my unwillingness to eat anything resembling a vegetable (unless it's broccoli). Lotta times, I'm just wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with some sort of pattern on it, but at the moment I'm wearing my [url=http://www.levelupstudios.com/loki-charms]Loki Charms[/url] shirt.[/center] [center][b]What is your name?[/b][/center] [center]Ehh... Call me Yossarian for right now. I might change it sometime later.[/center] [center][b]What gender do you identify as?[/b][/center] [center]Good question. Let's go with male for now.[/center] [center][b]How old are you?[/b][/center] [center]16.[/center] [center][b]Do you have any skills or expertise that you might be able to offer to the team?[/b][/center] [center]I'm a second-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, so that'll help some. I can at least use a gun, though I'm by no means good at it. I'm pretty good at running, whether it's at or away from something. I'm decent at languages, as well, so maybe I could act as a translator? I already speak enough Spanish and Arabic to get by (despite being white as fuck), if needed, but that's about it. And if all else fails, I consider myself pretty funny, as well as a decent bass singer.[/center] [center][b]Is there anything you plan to carry with you while you're on duty?[/b][/center] [center]Uhh... What do I even have on me? Phone, 3DS (with copies of FE: Fates and Bravely Default on the SD Card and Pokemon Pearl in the actual game slot), chargers for both, wallet (with a credit card, a debit card, €10, and various gift cards), a pair of earbuds, a pair of good (if kinda stanky) running shoes, if that counts. ...Oh, and a deck of Yu-gi-oh cards, apparently. I don't remember putting these in my back pocket, but whatever.[/center] [center][b]Do you work well in a team? What is your previous experience in the workfield?[/b][/center] [center]I'm kind of a quiet kid to start with, but when I open up, I [i]really[/i] open up. I've got a bit of an offbeat sense of humor, namely my habit of occasionally trolling people, but nothing super weird. I'm kinda prone to sarcastic observations on what's going on around me, though most of them stay in the privacy of my own head. I'm also prone to holding grudges, which tends to lead to a sudden explosion on my part if someone/something pisses me off enough. Despite all that, I'm generally pretty nice ([s]i hope[/s]), if not the most social person around. As for my personal history, there's not much. I was born in Dallas(ish), Texas, but moved to Phoenix, Arizona at the young age of 9 months. ...That's all. My family is pretty standard to be honest. I'm the oldest of three kids, who are all apparently pretty smart, if our collective test scores are any indication. Also my dad is adopted. ...'S basically it.[/center] [center][b]Is there any additional information you'd like for the manager to know?[/b][/center] [center]1) The bite marks are because I bite my glasses when bored or nervous. 2) I'm an INFP, according to the Myers-Briggs test. Make of that what you will. 3) I [i]really[/i] love music. 9 times out of 10, if I'm able, you'll find me listening to music. Favorite musicians of mine include Darren Korb, Christopher Tin, Arcade Fire, The Barons of Tang, and Linkin Park (I await your judgement of my musical taste with bated breath). 4) I'm a huge nerd. (One might even say [i]yuuuuuge[/i].) What, exactly, I am super nerdy about would take too long to describe, so I'm going to stick with "books, music, card games, and video games" for now. 5) Why the fuck are we in an IKEA?[/center]