[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CoLP7ry.png[/img][/center] [color=304095][u][b]Name[/b][/u][/color] BJ [color=304095][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/color] 23 [color=304095][u][b]Gender[/b][/u][/color] Male [color=304095][u][b]Affiliation[/b][/u][/color] The Bombers [color=304095][u][b]Years Spent with Gang[/b][/u][/color] 8 [color=304095][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/color] BJ isn't muscular or brawny, but he commands respect as if he was. He has a taut frame made of lean muscle with very little fat, and olive skin that would make you guess he's either Italian or one of those lighter Spanish races. He stands a few inches shorter than his peers, and has an unnervingly silent walk and disposition. He wears a greyish brown goat mask with yellow eyes, which has made a lot of people assume the B in BJ stands for Billy, like billygoat. It doesn't. Before you see BJ, you smell him; He's not unwashed or anything, he just wears a lot of the cologne that old spanish dudes who hang out in front of bodegas wear. He typically favors solid color shirts and cargo pants which he tucks into a set of scary looking steel-capped combat boots he affectionately refers to as his [i]shitkickers[/i], coupled with purple suspenders. Many suspect that under his mask, his hair's cut a little close to his [i]skin[/i], if you catch my drift. [color=304095][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color] All cute remarks about his personality aside, BJ is a terrifying individual. Regarded to with a fear somewhere between Injun Joe and The Bogeyman, BJ is just as tough as you'd expect someone with a synonym for oral sex to have to become. BJ's voice has a gravelly, shaking, ghostlike quality, and his eccentricities and quiet nature make him get under most people's skin. He is a loner by nature, and though he's been with The Bombers for a very long time, he's not really regarded to as a part of the "crew". It's clear that BJ's some kind of whacked in the head, but it's unclear as to what kind of whacked specifically. BJ's position in the group is that of an enforcer, but his role is that of a threat. It's one thing to send a few guys to rough somebody up, it's another thing to find the [i]Goat[/i] on your doorstep. If BJ is looking for you, you've clearly made a very unintelligent mistake. Although he's not especially big, or even all that strong, BJ is cold, calculating, and brutal. Some Bombers view him with a level of distrust for his brutal methods and lax stance on torture, especially because those qualities are more synonymous with their rival gang, though you'd be hard pressed to find someone that would say so to his face. Aside from his status as one of The Bombers' chained hounds, BJ is known for his sometimes naive, childlike qualities. He likes watching movies -- particularly kid's movies -- dislikes loud noise, and doesn't drink or do drugs. Additionally, though BJ isn't necessarily [i]naive[/i], he has a lot of optimism and is pretty casual about things, which stands in harsh juxtaposition with his work as a career killer. He orders off of kid's menus, plays a mean game of handball, and as far as anyone knows, has never had a girlfriend. If you collected everything everyone knew about BJ that they had separately learned through little snippets throughout the past eight years, you'd know about this much about him; He was homeless as a kid, lived with his grandparents, and had a sister who moved away when he was young. He likes spicy food, and he doesn't much care for China. [color=304095][u][b]Strengths[/b][/u][/color] You've got to be good at what you do to get ahead, so BJ's gotten really good at what he does: Killing people. BJ isn't necessarily a good fighter in a fair sense, but he doesn't ever put himself in fair fights. BJ waits for you in your house, in your car, or wherever he has to, and then comes out when you're at your most vulnerable like in the shower or while you're driving. His signature weapon is an age-old tool of the trade, a [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71e%2BJIJ4mmL._SX355_.jpg]rock hammer[/url] he takes with him everywhere. BJ's reputation precedes him. He's done so many things that at this point, just having him be in a room with you alone is enough to set most people on edge. He's not necessarily a skilled negotiator, or even a good speaker, but his reputation makes him intimidating enough to sometimes change the outcome of events just with his presence. What he's done probably won't ever be [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoodleIncident]expanded upon specifically[/url], but it's not hard to make stuff up. He's killed a lot of people in a lot of nasty ways to send messages. [color=304095][u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color] BJ doesn't have the same protection as the rest of The Bombers. This isn't to say that they wouldn't back him up in a fight, but that he simply works alone for the most part, and lacks the trust and support network usually provided by gang membership. He settles all of his scores alone and relies only on his skill, which is a strategy that only truly works in a fair world. BJ is trying to quit smoking, a habit he's had for over a decade. Aside from his irritability, BJ's habit has left him weak in terms of endurance. He can't run fast, far, or up stairs. Seriously, just get him to chase you around the parking lot for like five minutes and you'll be fine. [color=304095][u][b]Likes[/b][/u][/color] [i]Chewy Snacks[/i] BJ overcomes an oral fixation (harharhar) left by smoking by eating Twizzlers and chewing sunflower seeds. He has a habit of silently spitting the seeds out, which fall out of the bottom of his mask silently, but nobody has called him out on it yet. The Twizzlers are even weirder to watch, he places them in his mask's mouth-hole and they just slowly slither in like anteater tongues. [i]Motorcycles[/i] BJ doesn't care much for the newer futuristic bikes, and has a dislike of Kawasaki and Suzuki motorcycles, which he calls [i]riceburners[/i]. BJ drives a [url=http://www.motorcycleclassics.com/~/media/Images/MCC/Editorial/Articles/Magazine%20Articles/2006/11-01/The%20Triumph%20T140V%20Bonneville/radar1.jpg]'73 Red Triumph[/url]. It's not the fastest or the toughest, but it has the maneuverability of a dirtbike and allows for turning into tight spaces with relative ease. Gary, the owner of the local autobody shop seems to owe him a big favor, as BJ frequently comes in for tuneups and repairs without ever being seen paying full price. [i]Reading[/i] BJ appreciates the written word. He likes twizzlers, killing Razors, and a good book. Simple guy. He has a particular fondness for classic literature, pulp comics, and stories set in the south. For a short period when he joined The Bombers his nickname was Einstein because he was always reading, until BJ explained with a few well-timed beatdowns that it would be a short-lived nickname. Ever since then, they've just called him his name. [color=304095][u][b]Dislikes[/b][/u][/color] [i]Germs[/i] Nobody knows this because of how damn quiet he is, but BJ is weird about germs. He wears latex gloves when he's "on the job" because blood on his bare skin makes him gag, and in general, he'd sooner go shirtless than wear a shirt he had spilled something on. Before the mask trend, BJ would wear a lot of scarves and bandannas, and he's never been one for handshakes, high fives, hugging, or pretty much any kind of physical contact. If BJ likes you, he'll give you an elbow bump or nod at you, but that's the furthest he gets. [i]Running[/i] There is nothing BJ despises more than running, or even jogging. If you run from him, which you probably will want to, whatever he has planned will become much worse. After about ten meters, BJ is usually too winded to continue, which is why he relies on his lightweight motorcycle. He has a very Hannibal Lector way about him that makes people a bit afraid to make any sudden moves, but the truth is, BJ is probably the easiest person there is to outrun. [i]"The Chinese"[/i] I dunno either, man. He's never outwardly aggressive to Asian people or going off on political rants, but when the subject comes up, he's historically had a pretty firm stance on disliking Asian -- particularly Chinese -- cultural customs, foods, motorcycles, products, and so on. He doesn't go into detail other than "not mixing with" them, but since he's so weird and quiet, people tend to remember what he says. Some guess he was wronged by the triad in Chinatown, others have heard rumors that his heart was broken by a beauty from Beijing, but both would be wrong. BJ's just kinda racist. Go figure. [color=304095][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/color] Other Bombers cite BJ's accent as "hard to place". Some guess he's from the south, some guess he's French. They're both kinda right. BJ is Cajun. BJ's signature weapon, the rock hammer, is not named. However, it [i]is[/i] numbered, and its number is three. [color=304095][u][b]Theme[/b][/u][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1589ZZhzys]Calamity[/url]