[center][h1]Mechanics[/h1][/center][center][h3]Stats[/h3][/center] [b]HP[/b] Your health points. It can be recovered by potions, food, resting, and spells. [b]MP[/b] You mana points. It can be recovered by potions, drinks, resting, and spells. [b]EXP[/b] Your experience points. It can be gained to level up. It is accrued by combat, elixirs, and interaction. [b]Cowrie[/b] Currency. [b]Stamina[/b] Health points denominator. [b]Strength[/b] Physical attack for Melee weapons. [b]Endurance[/b] Physical defense. [b]Spirit[/b] Mana points denominator. [b]Mind[/b] Magical attack and defense. [b]Perception[/b] Accuracy of attack. [b]Agility[/b] Mobility and speed. [b]Luck[/b] Critical hit, and chance of obtaining rare items. [hr][center][h3]Level Up & Skill Points[/h3][/center] The automated system of The Nine Worlds allocates the 10 stat points for the player's best interest. Should a player switch class, the stats collected remain intact. Every level up is granted 2 skill points. [hr][center][h3]Class Advancement[/h3][/center] When your class is ascended, you gain new skills, passive and active, exclusive to the chosen class. You retain known skills. Warrior ⇒ Fighter / Page / Swordsman ◇ Fighter ⇒ Crusader ⇒ [b]Hero[/b] ◇ Page ⇒ White Knight ⇒ [b]Paladin[/b] ◇ Swordsman ⇒ Hexblade ⇒ [b]Dark Knight[/b] Magician ⇒ Caster / Healer ◇ Caster ⇒ [b]Elementalist[/b] / [b]Dark Mage[/b] ◇ Healer ⇒ [b]Guardian[/b] / [b]White Mage[/b] Ranger ⇒ Archer / Gunner ◇ Archer ⇒ Hunter / Protector ◇ Hunter ⇒ [b]Bounty Hunter[/b] ◇ Protector ⇒ [b]Sentinel[/b] ◇ Gunner ⇒ Sniper ⇒ [b]Gunmaster[/b] You can change class if you drink from the Well of Urd, however, your class is reverted back to the base class (of choice). Every time someone in the party advances class, the Wild Card will unlock a new class as well due to Wild Card's inherent bonus: "One for All, All for One". [hr][center][h3]Final Classes[/h3][/center] [center][hider=Collapse to read.] [b]Hero[/b] Ultima: Cry of Valhalla [i]Call up to 5 Valkyries to fight for the Hero. They disappear when their hitpoints reach 0 individually. Each Valkyrie's stats are half of user's.[/i] [b]Paladin[/b] Ultima: Thor's Wrath [i]The Paladin stands on a protective circle that attacks foes with a lightning chain upon touch. User is invincible for a period of time; surrounding friendly units get physical defence buff up to 50%.[/i] [b]Dark Knight[/b] Ultima: Sacrifice of the Dead [i]Dark Knight's shadow spreads out to feed on corpses in the battlefield before forming a replica of Gungnir; for every consume, the damage is increased by 50%. Dark Knight takes 10% equivalent to the target's damage.[/i] [b]Elementalist[/b] Ultima (for Fire): Firestorm [i]Rains down meteors to set ablaze the battlefield. Scorched lands have a 10% fire DOT on all units in affected area.[/i] Ultima (for Water): Healing Rain [i]A shower descends to bring relief to friendly units. All party members heal for 20% max HP.[/i] Ultima (for Earth): Jord's Embrace [i]The earth holds onto the target to immobilise it.[/i] Ultima (for Air): Lightning Wall [i]The user casts a meshed barricade made from pure electricity that fries enemy units upon collision.[/i] [b]Dark Mage[/b] Ultima: Undying Oath [i]The dead rise again to fight for the user. Summon up to 5 skeleton soldiers. There is a 10% chance to summon Glámr, shepherd of the dead, a draugr warlock that deals fire and dark magic.[/i] [b]Guardian[/b] Ultima: Heimdall's Bridge [i]The god of knowledge and protection temporarily lends his rainbow to the user and their friendly units. The rainbow allows instant teleportation, and up to 50% magical damage reflect.[/i] [b]White Mage[/b] Ultima: Ragnarök [i]Revives all dead party members on the battlefield and deals a massive holy damage to all enemy units.[/i] [b]Bounty Hunter[/b] Ultima: Arrow Rain [i]A flurry of arrows made from quintessence (aether) shoot out from the ground and down the skies to create an inescapable eschewing trap surrounding the main target.[/i] [b]Sentinel[/b] Ultima: Nature's Retaliation [i]The Sentinel's heart calls out to summon aid from a Ljosalfar, light elf, capable of archery and dispelling magic. There is a 10% chance that a Dokkalfar, dark elf warrior, joins in.[/i] [b]Gunmaster[/b] Ultima: Moving Under Gunfire [i]The weapon of the user is momentarily imbued with the power of infinity; endless bullets are shot out in vengeance. The bullets ignore magic and physical defense up to 20%, with a 50% chance to knockback.[/i] [/hider] [hr][h3]Wild Card[/h3][/center] Unlike the other base classes, a Wild Card has no higher tier advancements. For every level up, all their stats go up by 1. Each unlockable class comes with a signature move that doubles in effectiveness/duration when equipping the proper weapon/armour. [b]Bard[/b] • Anthem of Life A random ally gains Auto-Revive status. Harp Bonus: Two allies instead of one. [b]Mystic[/b] • Fast and Furious The user is so quick their shadow inflicts echoing damage. Claw Bonus: Shadow is eligible to perform critical hit. [b]Alchemist[/b] • Need for Science Upgrade potions to increase their quality. Glove Bonus: Potions produced are doubled in potency. [b]Tamer[/b] • Mother's Soothing Summon an elite child of Fenrir, the legendary wolf. Whistle Bonus: Summon two wolves instead of one. [b]Rogue[/b] • Nightwalker Teleport to a known location through shadows large enough to function as portal. Sandal Bonus: User can steal from NPCs. [b]Illusionist[/b] • Houdini's Prodigy Turn a friendly unit invisible to living, humanoid enemies. Wand Bonus: Gives user Hover status.