[@Spoo] The blue eyed quartermaster smiled, [color=#0b9c6d]"A Sword you say? Now that's a good pick, but the question is, do you know the many Types of swords? You're a smart man, But, you have a lot more to learn"[/color] The quarter master whistles, Ryi'murss jogs off, and returns with a few other squires, they brought a wagon with racks, Weapon racks and Armor racks. Examples. Xan walks up and pulls the rack out of the wagon and sets it down, this particular rack is filled with swords. Broad sword, Short sword, Arming sword, Rapier, Saber, Cutlass, Long sword, Great Sword, Sword of War, and a few variations in between. . . [color=#0b9c6d] "These are all examples of a type of sword- They are real, so if you choose to pick one up, be careful. Lad, get the rest down, and leave the back of the wagon down so they can climb up to see the armors.. I ain't re-polishing those, so if you get the armors dirty I'll wring your scrawny neck." [/color] The Dark elven lad smiled- This was the smile of a person who should not be taken lightly... [Color=#0c7e08]"You'd have to catch me, and then beat me, to do that, Mutt."[/color] With both the quarter master and the elf lad chuckling its obvious they mean nothing by the threats and banter. It doesn't take him and his volunteers long to get the rest of the weapons down. Now before the group stands seven racks, Swords, Pole-arms, Bows, Axes, Blunt weapons, Shields, and lastly Misc. weapons- such as a Whip, and a pair of clawed bracers The lord commander was walking off by this point, without a word. Kale sat on the edge of the wagon to watch.[Color=#8317df]"Correct me if I'm wrong, but the idea here is that they all get to pick up a weapon and see the weight and just what they have in store for them? Because that's cruel. That's dangling a sweet roll in front of a wee child and then eatin' it in front of him.... I approve Wholeheartedly. IF they don't have an obstacle to overcome, they'd get bored, and get Nowhere."[/color] Xan rolls his eyes, and Ryi stands by, to help anyone in case they need it