[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/be/b9/43/beb94341e7869b3b0d8ec32abb7b9b97.jpg[/img] [color=f49ac2]❖ ❖ ❖[/color][/center][color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]N A M E[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=CCCCCC]Sammy[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]A G E[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=CCCCCC]Twenty Two[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]A F F I L I A T I O N[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=CCCCCC]33[sup]rd[/sup] Street Razors (2 Years)[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=CCCCCC]Sammy is a young woman with a slightly shorter than average height and a slim, yet defined, body build. For the most part Sammy will wear an oversized [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/7b/47/93/7b479319c4a47c3a70589805975c209f.jpg]white singlet[/url] top that has a large, neon printed skull which takes up most of the front. Her shorts are made of a dark blue denim that extend only halfway down her thighs while the lower part of her legs are covered by a set of [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/91/73/90/917390e3433b414d201dde083704b645.jpg]shredded stockings[/url] and tall, lace up boots. Around her wrist and neck are various types of [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/37/e5/11/37e511907de82c6e45f96c889b1f792b.jpg]jewellery and bracelets[/url] that she has [i]acquired[/i] over the years. Sammy wears a black [url=http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/images/g/acoAAOxyE-dRy3Tp/s-l225.jpg]Panther[/url] mask, which represents both her aggressive personality and desire to be stealth most of the time.[/color][/indent][/indent][Center][hider=] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hqikXwr.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=CCCCCC]In her younger years Sammy was a wild child, loving the idea of rebellion and fighting for a cause and freedom. Her family's abusive nature and lack of a role model meant she had felt this passion for fighting began to turn down the darker roads of anarchy and riots. With her sister and soul mate by her side the two of them believed that there was nothing in the world they couldn't do. As times went on the teenage girls began pushing the boundaries of their freedom until they eventually got involved with a local car jacking ring to begin stealing cars for cold, hard cash. It was during one of their jobs that the vehicle they stole was rammed by a police unit and she so happen to watch as her sister died next in the seat to her. With Sammy spending time behind bars for both car jacking and resisting arrest, and her sister now 6 feet under, the girl felt as though her world was beginning to collapse around her. The freedom she so wanted was slowly being taken away and leaving her with nothing to aspire to and this emptiness was not helped at all when prison life treated pretty badly with the local thugs showing their full physical and sexual dominance over the small girl. It was during these dark time of hers that she learnt about the 33[sup]rd[/sup] Street Razors through one of their members and Sammy felt that their existence may offer her a new sense of belonging and '[i]hopefully[/i]' family. The girl that once stood for freedom and fun died when she lost her sister and the time that she spent in prison reformed her into a hyperactive, aggressive member of society that simply enjoys violence in its raw form. One trait that survived her horrendous ordeal was her sense of loyalty, and this was proven by how she never gave the details of the group that she worked with before ending up in the slammer. A tactic that meant that she only received a minimum sentence since most of the evidence was lacking at best. This loyalty is a double edge blade for those around her and while she may go out of her way to protect the ones that she cares about, anyone one that turns against her will surely feel her wrath. Sammy is a relatively clever girl and understands the complexities of the world, knowing full well that what she is doing surely is illegal. She doesn't have the best education and lack of a future outside of crime, but her street-smart and hands on skills are nothing to turn your attention away from. The rush that she gets from the violence and police pursuits simply outweighs any of the fears that one would have for breaking the law. She has a heavy dislike for authority forces and blames them for the death of her sister. Within the Razors, Sammy is regarded as a key front line individual. Her skills and talents have given the group a huge advantage, both evoking fear into the general public and increasing their infamy ranks throughout the city. It has been rumoured that whenever she has been spotted on a job that things will more than likely turn chaotic. Just the way she likes it.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]S T R E N G T H S[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][b]» Transporter:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]Sammy is both an excellent driver, learning her skills from a very young age, and quite adequate at breaking into a variety of different motor vehicles. She does have a [url=http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/ODAwWDgwMA==/z/D80AAOSw3ydV48r5/$_35.JPG?set_id=8800005007]Skeleton Key Set[/url] that was stolen off a locksmith and it is able to fit many different lock models, however it isn't completely reliable since she does not have the proper lock-picking skills and it will occasionally either jam in the lock barrel or present itself with too much difficulty to open.[/color][/indent] [b]» Violent Nature:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]Whether this was bought on by the violent childhood she endured with her parents, or how she witnessed her twin sister die, or the drugs that she took to cope with this loss, the result is quite simple. Sammy simply loves violence and doesn't fully know what it is like to live without it. She believes people owe her and will go out of her way to force them to cower if she believes she is being overpowered.[/color][/indent] [b]» Sneak:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]One of the perks of learning how to break into cars, and the occasional home was that Sammy learned how to stick close to the shadows. As violent and loud as she may be, she knows exactly when to keep quiet and hide away from those that may be searching for her. This can be a huge advantage when she is able to pounce on an unsuspecting victim.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]W E A K N E S S E S[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][b]» Depression:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]Sammy doesn't fully understand it, but she suffers from various different forms of anxiety and depression. She believes that simply overpowering another individual is a way to counter these feelings, but she doesn't know that it is slowly eating away at her. A few times she has flicked the needle wondering if maybe she should double the dose this one time and end it all, but it is usually her fear of loosing her friends that prevent her from doing so.[/color][/indent] [b]» Wanted:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]The local police department have several warrants for the arrest of Samantha ________ for a variety of crimes. Because of this whenever she is involved within a high profile incident she usually has the risks of drawing in more police than initially expected.[/color][/indent] [b]» Paranoia:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]It is unsure whether this developed through the experiences she had or the increased use of drugs in her system, but Sammy is a bit of a scaredy cat. Fears of being alone, around too many people, betrayed by those that she trusts, ending back in prison. The list goes on and through some logical and illogical fears, making her at times a bit paranoid about her surroundings.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]L I K E S[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][b]» [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ed/9b/6c/ed9b6cb05a4f2c3a1cc3fda0c24491f3.jpg]1985 IROC-Z Chevrolet Camaro[/url]:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]This is the current love of her life, a vehicle that she obtained only about two years ago after being released from prison. When it is not in use she tends to keep it locked up within a secure garage that only her and a few others know the location of. That is also because the garage is used to store various other vehicles that have been stolen so the serial numbers can be ground off and and replaced with fake identities.[/color][/indent] [b]» [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/04/ec/83/04ec835bacfefa91a594ec4bef9fdaf3.jpg]Her WW2 Trench Knife[/url]:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]This Trench knife was given to her by a mutual friend when they visited a pawn shop. The grip and design of the weapon allows her to have a firm grasp on the blade while reducing the risk of being injured by any mishaps. The handle itself acts almost like a set of brass knuckles and can be used to cause any blunt force trauma when the situation requires it.[/color][/indent] [b]» Sex and Violence:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]Sammy can be a huge tease when she wants to, flirting and gaining the sexual attraction off many others, both male and female. She likes to trap them in a web of lies and deceit for she doesn't know where the line between sexuality and violence should truly lie. Because of this she will become aroused and euphoric during an act like strangulation on either herself or her victims and anyone that has slept with her usually walks away with new scars and bruisings.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]D I S L I K E S[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][b]» Rules and Laws:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]Sammy is a free spirited individual that doesn't like to be told what not to do. If she wants to steal, fight, and abuse her body then she doesn't need the law to tell her that it's not the right thing to do. For this same reason she has a dislike for police and take the fight to them if she ever feels that she is being oppressed. If there ever was a riot, Sammy would be front and center either leading the way and causing destruction, or on the sidelines watching the world burn around her.[/color][/indent] [b]» Death:[/b] [indent][color=CCCCCC]As odd that it may be that a girl of such a violent nature may dislike the concept of death, but for her death is just one step closer to feeling eternally lonely. She still mourns her sister's passing and can go out of her way to save someone if she honestly cares about them.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][color=CCCCCC]Sammy is a twin and during her younger, non gang years both her and her sister would venture out at night to cause various juvenile problems for the general public. One of their favourite pastimes was car-jacking and they would often steal an innocent bystander's vehicle either through simply breaking in or by brute force. It was during one of these nights that her sister was accidentally killed when Sammy's vehicle was rammed by a police unit. The distraught girl watched as her sister breathed her last but was never granted any closure due to being taken immediately into custody and sent to juvenile detention/prison for 5 years. It was there that she learnt about the Razors and upon being released she ventured down to The Grotto in order to join.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=f49ac2][sub][u] [b]T H E M E[/b] [/u][/sub][/color] [indent][indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E9Lf3F_YgE]Bate Rigason - [i]Pink Feeling[/i][/url][/indent][/indent]