Homo Novi, the next stage of human evolution, Indigo Children. For years stories of young people with incredible abilities have been cropping up all over the world. No one ever really took much notice of these tales, leaving them for the tabloids and sensationalist news websites. They were written off as hoaxes and crackpot conspiracy stories. But now there are those who are taking notice. A year ago a secret organisation Known only as Indigo, operating behind the legitimate Genetic Research company Evolution Incorporated, began collecting these unique youngsters. They'd come in the night, black vans and commandos, to snatch away their targets leaving not a single lead for local authorities to follow. Those that are taken are shipped away to a unknown location where they are kept and studied with the hopes that their powers could be harnessed and marketed to the world's militaries and general public by Evolution Inc. In the Indigo Facility the children are given relative freedom, giving their prison the feel of an innocent boarding school. But their freedom is, naturally, a thinly veiled lie. Cameras watch their every move, every word they say is recorded, guards patrol the halls, and every day, between normal classes and their freetime, they are forced to test their abilities as men and women in white coats watch. Sometimes children will be taken down into the mysterious sub-level labs for further testing, they never return, and those left behind have to wonder "How long until I am taken?". [i]"Sir...we've got another."[/i] [i]"Excellent...It's all coming together. Now, follow with the plan."[/i] [i]"Yes sir."[/i] Cs Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Power 1: Power 2: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Other: Pet Name: Pet Age: Pet Gender: Pet Species: Pet Appearance: Pet Personality: