I just hope no one's dumb enough to go down the whole "The drawback for my character is that he's so strong, he'll go berserk and kill everything when mad" route xD A question regarding the military police though. I'm assuming the level of their technology will vary from minimal to intense, but I just wanted to ask about the character's levels of wealth. While it's possible to work in something like a poor guy getting experimented on, would I be right in assuming that most would be financially well off? Also, how many more where you hoping for? At the moment there's Treue/Ally/Eisen/Len/Empath/Rakurai/Archmage So that's 7, and from what I've seen a lot of people seem to go through OoC's rather than Intchk's nowadays xD So I think we have a sizeable few now? Edit: 8 now with the NinjaPotato