[b]Name:[/b] Figaro “Snow” Marconi [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 9 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://images3.alphacoders.com/682/thumb-350-682155.jpg][1][/url] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bc/0f/0c/bc0f0ca76559c2dd686a69061b1987d0.jpg][2][/url] Figaro’s nickname “Snow” is as apparent as the stark-white hair on his head. His eyes are steel-gray and his countenance is friendly. He tends to wear large loose shirts and cargo pants with numerous pockets where he can store things. He is 4’5” and weight 72 lbs. His physique is rather thin, but in a healthy manner. [b]Personality:[/b] Figaro is a curious child and likes to explore places he’s never been and collect things that are exotic, shiny, or rare. His pockets are always full of an assortment of things from rocks, crystals, bird feathers, and maybe a rodent or two. He likes to catch creatures like frogs and small critters, but he never keeps them. If they are hurt, he will do his best to nurse them back to health and return them to the wild. The boy is kind, well-mannered, and friendly in nature. He makes friends easily, and tends to avoid those kids who seem like bullies. He doesn’t like conflict, but if he has to defend himself or another, he isn’t afraid to do so. He doesn’t like violence and so when he fights, he will hold back because the idea of hurting another person upsets him (he is quite sympathetic). [b]Bio:[/b] Figaro remembered playing in the park. His mother and father were sitting together on one of the park benches, watching the children on the playground with nostalgic smiles. Figaro had went on an adventure and was running across the grass field chasing a fleeing stray dog whose left paw had been hurt. He chased the dog toward the street when a black van roared forth and struck the dog dead before his eyes. Before Figaro had a chance to react, men poured out of the vehicle clapping a chloroform pad over his face as they hauled him into the van. Figaro passed out and woke up far from home, wearing clothes that weren’t his, and in a room that wasn’t his bedroom back at home. [b][color=fff200]Kinetic Energy Manipulation (Power 1):[/color][/b] The ability to create, shape, and manipulate kinetic energy—the energy possessed by any moving object, the ability for any object with a given mass to move from its resting position. The kinetic energy gained during the acceleration process changes once the speed also changes, and when the object no longer contains the kinetic energy it has possessed as it accelerates it stops moving. The work needed to make an object stop is equivalent to the kinetic energy possessed during travel. Figaro can transfer kinetic energy from one object to another, thus possibly strengthening attacks, tearing holes in walls with a simple touch, turn an object’s potential energy into kinetic energy resulting in explosive energy or cause the target to be unable to move and halt in motion. [b][color=fff200]Delayed Effect (Power 2):[/color][/b] Figaro can delays the effect of anything to a later time. For example, he can strike a target, but the impact of the strike may not be immediately experienced until seconds later, minutes later, an hour later. The downside to this ability is that the user is unable to control when the enemy will experience the delayed effect, and once the damage has been placed into delay, it cannot be undone. However, Figaro can control when he uses delayed effect. [i]Evolution Inc. has been unable to pinpoint exactly what powers Snow possesses due to how similar they are to other abilities. They so far believe him to be a telekinetic, and with the tests they have conducted, the results haven’t convinced them to believe that he is anything but. But as we know OOC, they are wrong.[/i] [b]Family:[/b] [list][*]Isadora Marconi [*]Giovanni Marconi[/list] [b]Friends:[/b] [i]We can determine this together and as writers join the game.[/i] [b]Sentimental Attachment:[/b] None [b]Other:[/b] None [b]Pet Name:[/b] Coniglio (Koh-n-ee-lee-yo) [b]Pet Age:[/b] Adolescent [b]Pet Gender:[/b] Male [b]Pet Species:[/b] White Lab Bunny [b]Pet Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/ee1b4e3296f131a340bd0b0829d558471248669549_full.jpg][1][/url] [b]Pet Personality:[/b] Coniglio can be just as curious as Snow sometimes and will go getting himself in trouble. He was stolen from the lab by Snow and is usually kept hidden either in the boy’s pocket or back in his room. He likes when his master brings him carrots and other snacks.