Harstac was surprised when the dark elf appeared behind him, but he didn't appear unfriendly. If anything, he was polite. Something definitely not to expect from the average rookie he was going to go for a meal together with. [color=ec008c]"Erm... I'll see to it that thing receives the necessary customizations then."[/color] Ryi'murss seemed rather curious about him. This triggered the idea of coming around to his place the next time he got a bit of spare time. If someone appeared to be willing to actually [i]learn[/i] about him instead of just being afloat in a personal sea of prejudices, it was a chance not to be missed. However he couldn't hold up the business at this moment. He packed the chainmail armor onto his shoulder and heaved himself out of the wagon, but not without winking at the dark elf and a faint smile flashing over his face. He waved at Raxxar, not sure if he'd be still able to see it. Now it was for the weapon racks. But before Harstac even got there, he noticed the misery one of his 'colleagues' had got himself into - apparently by trying out stuff he wasn't really prepared for. Whilst this mishap was nothing one could seriously accuse Hiiko for in his current situation, Harstac failed to suppress a grin as he approached the situation. [color=ec008c]"You mind if I try to help ?"[/color] Looking at the human, he noticed that he had got his share of this morning's deal as well. [color=ec008c]"Good thing I had not to run the file miles."[/color] he added.