The strange dog made motions with its paws, 'Is it wearing a helmet and riding a ... bike?' Then the dog shook its head and walked out of the room. Wolfe stared in confusion, Hirsch was staring at the red head the whole time. Wolfe had to elbow him to get him to stop. Thats when the red headed woman spoke. She said that the sword was her families sword, and about how shes the heir to that sword. Wolfe assumed she must be from some either time, or place, where they are still in a medieval period. Rozalind asked if any of the objects stood out to the rest of them, Wolfe raiesd his hand. "Uh, yea, that sword," Wolfe cleared his throat, "I am fairly sure I saw that very sword slice the stomach open on a crucified woman, and, uh, something, started to come out." Wolfe shivered a bit when he thought about that night, that monster, or demon pushing its way out of the the wound. Wolfe ended that nightmare with a grenade. He looked to Mallaidh, "Ma'am, if that is your families sword, something about it, aint right. I mean, I held that weapon in my hand, I...I cannnot explain it, but, it felt wrong..." Wolfe trailed off, not really knowing what to say, never having ever experienced anything like that before. The door opened and a beautiful woman walked in clad in leather jacket, she sat down in the same seat occupied previously by the husky. Wolfe noticed her eyes, icy blue, the same as the dogs. "Nice trick," he said to her. All of a sudden he got a gut feeling, the hair on the back of his neck began to stand on end, his sences started to become acute, his heart rate began to elevate slightly, as if his body is prepping itself for physical activity. This is the same feeling he gets every time something bad happens. Every time he was in a fire fight, or an ambush, or had he been in any danger at all, moments prior he gets this feeling. Wolfe calls it, feeling like a live wire. Some said he has a sixth sense, Wolfe thinks he's just perceptive. Hirsch almost sensing his team leaders anxiety stopped making eyes at the red head, and began to scan the room and watch the entryway, keeping on the alert. "I got a bad feeling," Wolfe uttered.