XIII stayed silent throughout the entire ordeal with the old man, but he nearly jerked his hand away from Twain when he started going cold. It was cold to the point that he was having trouble keeping the warmth at the same level. The heat in the room started fluctuating. When Twain came back from wherever he went and let go, XIII pulled his arm away and started rubbing his wrist. If anyone was looking closely, they would see what looked like a minor hand shaped burn on his wrist before his other hand covered it. When the ball of light came into the room and demanded to be let out or it'd find a way to break out, XIII watched the scene with amusement. It looked like the situation with the old man had been dealt with, so XIII left the room without saying a word and went on a search for the angry ball of light. After enough searching, he found it. "You're going to need some serious firepower if you want to punch through this place," XIII said as he leaned against the nearest wall and folded his arms. "I understand the feeling of being cramped, I do, but at this moment, this is the best place for you to be." XIII rubbed the tattoo of his namesake on the back of his left hand before continuing. "If you leave this place, you're fair game to whatever group of people find you next, and you [i]will[/i] be found eventually." He held his hand out palm up and a small flame appeared over his palm. "Some other group found me and..." He trailed off and watched the flame in his hand before extinguishing it. "Well, let's just say it wasn't pleasant. So how are you planning on breaking out?"