7 AM, that morning. [hider=Archie "Hornet" Smith][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mekol146821rw9ul7o1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [hr] Two months... Two months ago, Archie was lying in an American Hospital Bed, hooked up to life support and about to be given sanctioned cybernetic implants to let him walk again. Scorched, unrecognisable, and missing both of his legs due to an RPG fired at his squadron in a Night Op gone terribly, terribly wrong. However, it seemed fate had a very different plan for Archie. Archie was kidnapped the night before his medical operation, absolutely helpless in the state he was in. The last words he heard before being "reborn" in his eyes was- [i]"We have plans for you..."[/i] Now, he was half machine and half man. The perfect soldier in Archie's eyes. Rebirthed through metal, Archie felt a debt to those who gave him these clearly superior implants. However, Archie was aware of his... mental state. The cybernetics had made him as cold as the metal weaved into his body. Despite this, Archie liked it. The previous two months was spent training in this new body. He was faster, stronger and more agile than he ever was before he escaped death. Whoever gave him these implants were clearly keeping watch of their new test subject. Two days ago, Archie was given an address and a time by a mysterious stranger to come to today. Quite cautiously, he had decided to use the rooftops as his route to the building, even now testing the free running capabilities of the cybernetics. They were brilliant, he felt true power in this new form, a power unattainable until he was taken. He was clearly made for a new purpose, and without the SAS to go back to (which is now inscribed onto his shoulder), it was his only choice. Archie was not sure what to do when he got their, so merely went down to street level next to his destination and walked into the target building. [hider=The Base Of Freedom] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQbAD15laRQ[/youtube] [/hider] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xf4ZgLFpB2g/T6hjz_EEOYI/AAAAAAAAANg/_XHopLDqa48/s1600/rioter.jpg[/img] [b]Archie Smith's[/b] welcome party was a hooded teenager standing next to a burning van. His eyes were wild and hostile the lower part of his face were covered which made him more intimidating. [i]You are the experiment, I can tell. Anon is waiting for you in the back, walk straight ahead and knock on the door when I tell you to, if you make any unplanned movements I'm gonna light you on fire. Capiche? lets go.[/i] [img]http://www.urbanghostsmedia.com/home/twamoran/urbanghostsmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/embankment-underground-station-abandoned-2.jpg[/img] It was hard for anyone to believe this ancient crappy underground passageway lead to the Neo-City chapter of the most feared movement in modern history, Archie walked silently with the teenager as they passed many rooms and corridors leading to who knows what, it seemed like an hour before they actually got to the 'door' he was talking about, no words were spoken just occasionally the teen spitting on the floor. [i]We are here, that door leads to the outdoor training area, walk straight up to Anon and state your name, nothing smart or funny, there are snipers everywhere. Good Luck....Asshole.[/i] Archie pushed the door open which lead to a massive urban circular 'ring' a ghetto coliseum. It was completley empty apart from the figure in the middle, who looked like a comic book character. Archie walked straight up to him and the figure turned around, as if he was interrupted doing something. [hider=Anon and Theme] [img]http://news.hisstank.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2013/03/GI-Joe-Retaliation-Concept-Hooded-Cobra-Commander_1364601833.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjhMOdGzrH4[/youtube] [/hider] [b][i]State your name and business please.[/i][/b] His voice was like ghost, detached and empty. Archie stayed silent at the kid, barely nodding to his instructions. No way is he gonna waste time with some punk teenager. If Archie was going to be ordered about, then it better be from the head honcho. Archie walked with this boy, staying slightly behind him as he was lead through the passage way. It seemed a bit underwhelming. If these were the people who had provided the implants then why would they go through the trouble of having some sort of ancient tunnel? It didn't make sense to Archie. He did listen when the kid explained the situation and how this was going to go down. The door opened, and as Archie descended the stairs, he could see blinks of the red lasers that were no doubt pointing at him. Looked like whoever he was dealing with wanted total control over the situation, and he did a good job so far. The figure was hard to make out, even with his new sight. When he was asked for his name, Archie wasn't sure how to respond. Should he give the man his real name? He came up with a better idea. "Hornet," he replied, his voice sounding slightly mechanical, "I believe you wanted me here, so I'm not quite sure what my business is." [i][b] Ha...Hornet, OK, Mr Archibald Smith we will go with 'Hornet' for now. I take it you are adjusting to the new body? We spent a lot of money getting the best Bio-engineers in the country to rebuild you. Sadly while I hate the capitalist method, I'm afraid saving your body with a new one is going to come with a price.....[/b][/i] Anon's voice now had more life and colour, there was a strong surge of passion and duty in his tone, he began to walk towards 'Hornet' pulling out a data tablet from his coat. [b][i]I wont bore you with tales of political struggle and organisational conflict, you know who we are, and I'm sure you have a good idea of what we do. You are not one of us, at least not yet, but we are giving you a task and we want it done, you will be compensated if you succeed. There is no negotiation on that.[/i][/b] Anon's datapad lit up, the sky became grey and small droplets of rain began to fall around the two of them, drips and drops rattled against the metal ring coliseum. [b][i]Timothy Irwin Taggart, he popped on our radar when he decided to hack into a japanese security server and steal weapon's schematics, I was able to find out more about him after his proxys failed to mask him. Him and his partner Craig Lawrence Hobbes have been spending a lot of money lately, mainly on guns and equipment but mostly on team salary. They have assembled a squad.[/i][/b] Anon's eyes squinted with visible rage as he scrolled down the dossiers of the 2 men and then into the team folder. [b][i] This team is made up of some very dangerous individuals from around the world. A few who I thought were dead, such as the Boston thug Colin McCreary or that disgraced driver Valeriya Ilyushin, either way I would like to see all of them dead if possible, only Tim Taggart needs to be kept alive for questioning, that man is a wealth of information.[/i][/b] Anon put his hand on Hornet's shoulder as he closed the datapad, his eyes seemed to become more relaxed as the met the young man's. [b][i]Your skills and your new abilties will make you valuable weapon in this war, you will attack the townhouse they are meeting at tonight at midnight. Weve allowed you use of 12 of our synthetic android bots. Any questions Hornet?[/i][/b] Behind his helmet, Archie had a huge grin. New purpose. This may not be the right purpose, but it IS the purpose Archie knew he was meant for. From the information he could get from the tablet, it seemed he was dealing with Ex-Military personnel. When this [I]Anon[/I] character said they were dangerous, he wanted to put confidence in his new employer. "Nothing I can't handle, sir." He declared. Archie paid close attention to all of the details, and eerily couldn't wait to start. "Before I start, I need to look at the hardware, and [I]my[/I] equipment." Anon went silent and made a gesture with his hand. 3 hooded AA soldiers came running outside with a large black lockbox along with 12 marching synthetic bots. [hider=In the box] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/97/72/48/977248986ecc4e15e535c3d705088fe0.jpg[/img] [img]http://rpg.web-mage.ca/images/eqpics/HG297.jpg[/img] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/8d0e/i/2014/291/8/2/sci_fi_sword_2_by_ah_kai-d839gmc.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i][b]Any 'Gadgets' you may need are built in to your suit. When you get to the townhouse, be sure to destroy the failsafe generator in the boiler room, it will trap them all inside. With only the front door for them to escape from.[/b][/i] Archie nodded. "I'll get it done. You gave me a body, I'll get you some bodies." Archie stated, matter of factly as he opened the box. He picked up the assault rifle and looked it over. It was a masterpiece of a weapon, and would hopefully be a sick joy to wield. Next were the revolvers which felt perfect. It almost seemed like these guns were tailored to Archie, which was creepy and fortunate at the same time. The most impressive weapon was the blade. Lightweight, sharp and despite that, seemingly durable. This was going to the most fun to use. Archie looked over at the robots that were escorted by the soldiers. They stood in a line as they marched just like clockwork. Perfect. He walked up to one, turning around it and looking over. He didn't know a whole lot about robots, but they were clearly top of the line. He pressed a button on his helmet, which linked to his HUD, that he discovered over. Registering the weapons and the robots, he turned to Anon. "If you can send me the location, I'll get it on my HUD, and I'll get straight to work, sir." [hr] Midnight, attack at the townhouse. [hr] [hider=Taggart having a smoke outside his townhouse] [img]http://www.directorsnotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/gregory-crewdson-29.jpg[/img] [/hider] Hornet crouched at the ledge, looking at the target building. It didn't look like much, but he guessed inconspicuous was what they were going for. Across the street, a man walked outside and was smoking by a car. Hornet activated his facial recognition scanner, and identified the man as the HVT Tim Taggart. The man Anon wanted alive. Hornet radioed in to all the bots. "Hold positions." He ordered. The carefully placed synthetics lied in wait as Hornet went for the capture. The gadgets Anon spoke of was true, and Hornet merely had to think of what he wanted, and there it was, popping out of his forearm primed and ready. Hornet switched to his Shock Charge, a wrist mounted launcher that fired a projectile Taser shot, as he skilfully climbed down the building. Sprinting, Hornet fired at Tim, who collapsed to the floor, spasming from the electricity. Catching his body as he fell, Hornet dragged the target alleyway and binded him with plastic ties. "Bot three, HVT secured, pickup now at point Echo Bravo." He ordered. He could already hear the mechanical whirr of the robot as Hornet moved away, making his way to the boiler room. A detailed scan pulled up the building schematics, and he could easily infiltrate it. "All combat robots, engage building." That was when the bullets began to fire.