[center][img]http://logodatabases.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/iron-man-logo.png[/img][/center] While Sam and Brian were both busy inside of the base collecting whatever data they could on what AIM was planning. Iron Man got to take the admittedly much more fun route for this assignment. He had just finished the second mark of his Iron Man suit, and was itching to put it through its pacing. The kind of pacing that involved frantic gun fire, screaming agents, and what seemed like an incoming homing missile. Hmm, better take care of that. His flight path swooped down as his radar picked up on the missile. Spotting a grouping of AIM agents trying to come up with a way to get to Sam Wilson were caught off guard when Iron Man swung in dangerous close to them, quickly flew off, and the missile chasing him flew straight into the ground nearby. Causing them to get launched away in the blast. All the while Tony Stark inside of the Iron Man suit hummed mindlessly to himself. His head deep into random this and that. Some new design concepts from the company he got earlier, what to get Rhodes for his birthday, little stuff. As he shoot lasers at a incoming missile and flew through the explosion. Finally he went back to the private coms link between the three of them. “Sure thing Cap, I’m sure AOL Instant Messenger has something potent here since they’ve given me a whole crap ton of people to fend off out here.” Tony casually stated, betraying the real number. “Which speaking of, maybe pick up the pace a bit please? I’m having to fend off an army from going after you two.” Since the first time Tony had met Sam his opinion on the guy hadn’t really changed much, Sam still talked down to him like he was the stupidest of the stupid. Tony though wanted to be on his best behavior, as much as it pained him to do so. Nick Fury had expressed interest in Tony maybe going from consultant to actual teammate when Tony demonstrated the Iron Man mark II to him. Originally as a proof of concept for some kind of automated defensive system. Which ended up turning into the ‘Red Wing’ mini drone system which Sam was currently using. Sure Tony wasn’t as physically gifted as Sam was, but Tony hoped doing this meant Sam saw that Tony’s strongest muscle was his mind. That and the hope Tony looked cooler by mission’s end than bird man Sam.