-CS- Name: Lazzerus "Laz" Zale Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Laz] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2d9y0zn.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] Future Specialization: Weapon Caller Summon(s): Low grade Lightning Element Summon(s) appearance:[hider=Rajin][img]http://i.imgur.com/uDOJ30O.jpg[/img][/hider] Backstory: Lazzerus comes from a far off country named Zano that falls victim to dictatorship. Civilians of this empire fell short to poverty and the corrupt police forces including Lazzerus's mother who became deathly ill due to poor sanitation conditions. Lazzerus's father was a summoner who graduated from the academy many many years ago, moving he was naturally talented, he was apart of the Zano armed forces but went A-wall when their dictator rose to power and corruption began spreading, his father switchied sides preparing to lead a crusade against the dictator. In order to protect Lazzerus he pulled some strings to get Lazzerus out of the country ,stowing him away on a cargo ship to keep him low profile. Before departing his father handed him a note, saying that he should attend the same summoning academy he attended. After reaching safety Lazzerus began preparing for a completely different lifestyle, he wanted to be a summoner that, even more powerful than his father, his past having quite the affect on his life. Personality: Lazzerus is the silent type, he doesn't speak much but is always listening and paying attention to everyone's words and movements. He is a smart boy and enjoys reading quite a bit, He is somewhat selfish though only worrying about himself. Lazzerus has large ambitions wanting to become as strong as possible so that he can return and join his father on the crusade. He is intuitive and in deep thought quite often, he never bothered to make friends or anything since he was on the run never staying in one place for long causing hike to be Anti-social. Other: none