[color=LimeGreen]"Well...damn,"[/color] From that description, it sounded like he threw in everything but the kitchen sink. Kyle probably shouldn't have been surprised, he was watching the bartender make the drink for the floored man, [i]'Why Tabasco sauce though?'[/i] He watched tentatively as the bartender made his way 'round and crouch to the floor next to Kyle to offer assistance. His whole attitude seemed, lackluster, not in that he didn't care, more like he didn't give a fuck; big difference. [color=LimeGreen]"You always so casual when your patrons drink themselves to the floor, or is this just another Tuesday for you?"[/color] He said it more as a joke than a shot as he started grabbing for one arm as the bartender went for the other, [color=LimeGreen]"Thanks, by the way, er..."[/color] Kyle was about to ask his name before someone else showed up. The man claimed to be the white haired drunk's friend, if that was the case why show up now? Where was he earlier? What was he doing earlier? Kyle supposed it didn't matter, he didn't particularly want to figure out where this guy lived and take him home or, if that didn't pan out, offer him shelter for the night. Kyle supposed this was a small blessing in disguise, [color=LimeGreen]"I think your friend might've had a little too much, but at least he didn't come alone, I guess we can hand him off to you now yea?"[/color] Kyle looked down at the drunk to find him...snoring? [color=LimeGreen]"I uh...think he passed out...I don't suppose you need any help getting him home do you?"[/color] [@Sarcelle Renard] [@Evil Snowman]