We're almost done with character sheets it seems and that raises the question: when will we begin? Well, I have to heavily start editing the first few posts (fix the rules, add some lore, etc, etc) and so on. I'll be doing that over the course of May, but I won't be allowing this to delay the RP from beginning. Tomorrow I have SATs and I'm pretty stressed about that and I'll likely be extremely stressed until Tuesday or Wednesday of this upcoming week. Around then, I'll try to launch the Roleplay for us. In the meantime, start thinking about what worlds, time periods and so on you'd like to visit. There's really no limits as to where we can go. The worlds can be pre-existing or made up. I'd like to give everyone the opportunity to GM the worlds that they pick as I don't expect everyone to know all the worlds we're going to go to. I'll likely have a survey up by Sunday in order to address this. That's all for now, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!