Didn't start or finish it, but I'll suppose I'll add two cents (that I wrote but didn't post.) since it's still going... [@Gowi] I agree that random attacks against people, for things weeks and weeks old. Is a little pointless, and distasteful and seems like people hang so hard on the past they'll snap their necks. I'd like to think people can learn to get along and not personally attack people they barely know, but what can you expect from the "bitching thread". <.< [quote=@Frizan] Jesus Christ Almighty you're fucking worse than Gowi. At least Gowi can sound like they're being rational when moralizing. [/quote] Though, I'm almost 100% certain I just got called every insult in the dictionary and have a few more generalizations of things to add to my list. And [color=ed1c24][b]my troll bait comment[/b][/color] is literally me complaining about my life...and has nothing to do with anyone. Which two or three people apparently thought I did. >.> (and in the logic is valid over something literally weeks old, and buried. Being the only thing needed to crucify me on a stake.) But... Personal attacks to people that weren't apart on a conversation, isn't exactly a nice thing to do. Gowi didn't do anything, bringing them up is exactly why I kind of want this thread to be locked. Because all this personal/passive attack bullshit [color=ed1c24][b]probably[/b][/color] should be against forum guidelines. :3 [i][b][color=ed1c24][s]Apologies in advance if this somehow also offends someone, and think it some evil crusade to attack them. I assure you it's not.[/s][/color][/b][/i]