[hider=Strangefate] Name: Stephen R. Lovecraft Alias: Strangefate Species: Human Age: 17 Gender: M Appearance: http://thegryph.deviantart.com/art/Harry-Dresden-99287087 Ties to Hero: Student of John Constantine Powers: (can only cast spells vocally, for now) * Magic * Divination * Demon Summoning * Curses * Spirit Ward Creation * Golemancy * Necromancy * Illusion * Mind Control * Trigon Avatar (can cast very powerful spells, but has no control over himself) Abilities: * Deception * Occultism * Prestidigitation * Hypnosis * Escapology * Journalism * Boxing/Freestyle Wrestling History: When he was young, Stephen was kidnapped by a cult, who tired to turn him into a sacrifice to lord Trigon. At the last second, Constantine was able to save him, but not before he cult turned the kid into an avatar for Lord Trigon. Learning that Stephen has no family, and hoping to teach him to control his new powers, John took him in, teaching him magic and how to use it. While he is still learning about the occult, Stephen wanted to try his luck as a detective like John himself. After helping Raven on a case, she told him about her time on the Titans. Stephen is now ready to join the Titans, if he can find a team to take him in, that is. Personality: Stephen is light hearted, taking a cocky attitude like Johns. He often makes jokes, and tries to make others happy, hoping to not see someone like he used to be. Friends: Constantine and Raven Family: Unknown Crush/Relationship: Single a ready to cry himself to sleep because he is lonely (jk) Other: Stephen has a deep dark addiction, of puns. He also has a good singing voice, and runs an online blog/podcast about the occult/supernatural/super powered/wrestling, often causing him to try and interview super heroes for the show. [/hider]