[color=ec008c]"Ah, yes, we are leading. And I am sure there are no ulterior motives behind Felix's choice of team formation. Nope, not at all. Nope, he only chose us because he knows our battle style. Haha. HAHAHAAHAHA!" [/color] Raiya's sarcasm reached an apex as she started maniacally laughing, her face tilted up, back arced, and eyes wide. The laughter stopped abruptly as she instantaneously regained her composure. [color=ec008c]"Whatever, let's just get this started."[/color] Raiya said, monotone. Then everyone started pouring out of the front door. People began waiting for other people. Some summoner chick was writing in her dumb book, same with the scholar nerd. The only one that seemed even remotely up to this task was the blue warrior with the cool aura, who gripped his blades in anticipation. Still, Raiya couldn't help but crack a smirk. If Felix put her and Nemo in point position, and the frozen warrior in rear guard, that meant Felix was withholding some information from then. Felix obviously not only anticipated some opposition, but some strong opposition. Which meant, that things were about to get very, very interesting. And, no doubt, crushing a few skulls would take her mind off of what she drea- Raiya shook her head before she could think too much about it. It seemed everyone was present, so she decided to take the initiative, and, with manadial in hand, she began to head north, towards the location. [color=ec008c]"It's about seventy miles to the location, it would take too long to simply walk there, so I hope you all can keep up.[/color] Raiya said as she walked ahead. After she told the group, she said, [color=ec008c]"Biri Sokudo!"[/color] and was enveloped in a thin crackling blue electricity aura. Immediately she began walking going impossibly fast. The spell she had activated was obviously an electricity based speed enhancement. Her rate of speed was increased to eighty miles per hour, on foot. With her size, she was nearly impossible to see with the naked eye, though if someone were to see her, they would see her zig-zagging through the gargantuan trees. It didn't take long for her to reach the spot marked on the manadial. At first glance, the location looked just the same as the rest of the forest. Green, impossibly large trees, occasional bushes, fertile soil underfoot. But as she began looking closer, she saw that a group of bushes were hiding a sealed stone rectangle with glyph runes written all across it. From what she could read, those who sealed the entrance obviously didn't want it opened. The seal looked recent as well, so it had to be a new seal slate placed by the Academia. Though, the seal was serious. It wasn't meant to just keep random wanderers out, it was meant to keep everyone out, and all who dared to even try to open it would be severely punished. If she read the runes right, if it was tampered with it would release a curse that instantly would liquefy the organs of all those within the immediate vicinity. Since runic equations weren't Raiya's forte, she decided to wait for the others to show up.