As the archer, Kale, reached into the front of the wagon to pull out a box Ithil's heart froze in her chest. Her box. Her beloved bow. The one item that had been hers alone in the gutters of the streets. Ithil had always had it, and it's existence was a closely guarded secret. Brown eyes growing large, she nearly opened her mouth to protest the giving away of her precious treasure. But words were stilled when Kale crooked a finger at her. Staggering weakly towards the knight, wary of any movement as she watched him warily. The smile and year spent with them was the only thing that kept the beggar from making a fast retreat. [i]"Look what I found. Seems one of the recruits already has a usable weapon. Restrung it with a decent string, cleaned it, even made a few arrows for you."[/i] The bow was large standing four feet tall and carved in moons and leaves. Made of pale woods and wrapped with black leather. Ithil's pride and joy, though now she was a tad fearful of the knight's opinion. "Thank you...?" She whispered quietly, shifting nervously. So when a shout went up and a man took off running, Kale found himself sporting a elfling clinging to his side. Ithil could take a lot, even stay cool under surprise. But the tension she was feeling and that sudden shout didn't help matters, nor did the suddenly stunned atmosphere. Peering around the tall archer, the former beggar peered at the woman who sauntered about as though she owned the place. A lovely woman, even she could see that, but the way everyone looked surprised and the sudden motionless statues of Xan and Kale gave her cause to worry. And if something worried the knights, the beggars had learned quick to clear out or take cover. Though Ithil was breaking this rule a bit, the woman was extremely beautiful and the other woman she was with, a younger woman of gold was lovely but was missing some of the refined edged the first had.