[center] [color=007236] Name: Charles Edward McCloud Alias: The Gamer Species: Altered human Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://www.fluentu.com/japanese/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2014/05/learning-japanese-anime1.jpg[/img] Ties to Hero: None Power(s)/Abilities: Game Menu's - Allows him to access video game menu's as if he was in an MMORPG [hider=Stats] Level 5 Title: None (can grant special bonuses) Class: The Gamer Life: 200 Mana: 100 Str: 10 (affects Phyiscal Strength) Vit: 10 (affects his health, Stamina, and Health regen) Dex: 10 (affects his mobility and reflexes) INT: 10 (affects Mana and cognitive abilities like memory) Wis: 10 (affects mana regen and ability to quickly think and analyze a situation) Luk: 10 (affects well his luck in various forms) unused Stat Points: 20 (+5 per levels 1-10 +6 per levels 11-20, etc.. etc..) can increases stats with unused stat points and grinding activities that involve the specific stat for long periods of time. [/hider] [hider=Skill List] More skills can appear by various means from skill books, certain stat levels, and various actions. just about anything can become a skill, even washing dishes and cooking can become skills. Gamer's Body - The Gamer's body is that of a game character causing his body to react differently to things that happen to it, such as any damage will vanish shortly after it happens only damaging his health while his body doesn't show battle damage. still can feel pain and fatigue, this also allows him to see Names, Titles, and Levels above the heads of others. Gamer's Mind - forces his mind to be calm even in extreme dangerous situations, to allow him to think through situations very calmly. ID Create level 1 - Creates an Instance Dungeon used to train and various other uses. can spawn 'Boss Mobs' after certain criteria in the dungeons, these boss mobs are max level of the dungeon. Both the boss mob and the regular mobs in the dungeon can drop various items in relation to the mob. (example, besides Money and healing/mana potions things from zombie dungeon could drop alchemy materials, possible skill books, and other zombie related items) level 1 Empty Dungeon Zombie Dungeon - enemies zombies various levels 1-20 Ghost Dungeon - enemies ghosts various levels 20-30 More dungeons can be unlocked at various levels. ID Escape level 1 - can be used to escape/destroy a barrier that surrounds him including his own instance dungeons. Identify level 1 - Can be used to check the stats of an item or person in regards to his own game reality. [hider=Sword Mastery] Sword Mastery Passive level 1 You continue to master the way of the sword with continuous use. your proficiently with bladed weapons have increased. +10% damage increase +20% attack speed increase (the masteries don't affect at same time it depends on side of blade he uses) [/hider] [hider=Blunt Mastery] Blunt Mastery Passive level 1 You continue to master blunt weapons with continuous use, your proficiently with blunted weapons have increased +10% damage increase +20%a attack speed increase [/hider] [hider=Power Strike] Power Strike Active Level 1 By infusing additional strength into the strike you release a powerful single strike +100% damage for one strike [/hider] [/hider] Inventory - Can store various items in a micro dimension Accessible from the inventory Menu Auction house - A shop menu allowing him to buy and sell with any money he gains for various items. These items are randomly created both based of game and anime, and ones specific to his ability. Usually very expensive for even a simple item. Mini Map - a map of his surrounding are that he can pull up. Party system - a system he can use to party with others allowing them to be affected by his ability and allows them to keep track of each other's status. Skill(s): Possible good leadership skills Gaming and anime Knowledge Weapons/Gadgets: carries a reverse Katana blade he got from his friend anything else he can gain and use, normally keeps it in his inventory status. History: Coming from a remote town, he had few friends growing up, even fewer when his powers first awakened when he was 6, sense then he tended to isolate himself so he wouldn't be hurt anymore. he found out that he can gain levels like in a video game from doing various activities normally done, and even doing quests given to him by others. he was found and asked to join the upcoming group of titans when he as found by hero during a bank robbery. He decided he might as well learn how to control his power so he accepted. Personality: distant from people, kind when get to know him, tends to tunnel vision in some situations Friends: Unknown Family: Unknown Crush/Relationship: None Other: His power has shown the ability to be able to grow by 'Grinding' which means to constantly repeat the same type of action for specific results, his skill levels and personal levels are separate, can gain quests from people requesting things of him. [/color] [/center]