[@Ninian][@Empour][@Noklu][@Shiny Keldeo][@Polaris North][@Iatos] [h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2] [h3][color=khaki]Valiant Village,[/color] [color=darkred] Sawk and Throh Dojo[/color] [/h3] Devon was called upon to be the judge of this battle, and he met Milton's call with a smirk. [color=darkturquoise]"Sure. I could go for a show."[/color] The Totodile watched as the Zorua and Chimchar duo psyched themselves up for the match. Though....The scene reminded Devon of something. It was true that he had been getting an odd vibe of familiarity from Milton and Zaru, but it wasn't until now that it started to really become apparent. That same sort of blank stare came upon the blue reptile's visage. Mouth hanging open slightly. [color=darkturquoise][i]...This is really weird....If I'm human, er, 'was' human, I must not be from around here....There's only Pokémon....But....It feels like I KNOW Milton and Zaru. I get more vibes from Zaru when I look at him....But Milton's trick with the illusion....I've defiantly seen something like that before...Maybe I should talk to them after too....[/i][/color] Devon then realized he was staring. Shaking his head and closing his mouth, the now abit red faced Totodile directed his gaze towards the Riolu twins. As well as pointing a claw at the two and smiling to hide his embarrassment. [color=darkturquoise]"Rico, Lulu, you guys are on."[/color]