[hider=Draco Russ] "How can we as a people hope to raise above it all when everyone is pushing and shoving to be first?"~ Draco Russ [b]Draco Russ[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d4/27/9b/d4279bdcafb38b98e6d83692fcbb78b5.jpg[/img] [b]«««IDENTITY»»»[/b] [i][b]Full Name:[/b][/i] Draco Russ [i][b]Nickname(s):[/b][/i] Drake [i][b]Codename:[/b][/i] Prophet [i][b]Alias(es):[/b][/i] N/A [i][b]Age:[/b][/i] 18. [i][b]Race:[/b][/i] Meta-Human [i][b]Affiliation:[/b][/i] His Goddess, Humanity, Good. [b]«««PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION»»»[/b] [i][b]Hair Color:[/b][/i] Milk Chocolate Brown [i][b]Eye Color:[/b][/i] Brown [i][b]Gender:[/b][/i] Male [i][b]Height:[/b][/i] 5'11" [i][b]Weight:[/b][/i] 81 Kilograms [i][b]Other Traits:[/b][/i] When he is not dressed to perform his religious ceremonies or fight crime (The outfit seen pictured), Draco tends to wear a pair of jeans with a complimenting shirt and a warm jumper or coat of some kind. At almost all times he will keep an amulet on a chain around his neck. The image of the amulet is that of a hoof covered in barbed wire. If asked, he will admit that it is the symbol of his Goddess. [b]«««SKILL SET»»»[/b] [i][b]Powers:[/b][/i] [b]Miracles of Faith:[/b] Draco's faith in his Goddess is so strong that she has rewarded him by granting him access to powers and abilities beyond the scoop of a normal human being. While he has only just began to tap into the gifts of his mistress and divine benefactor, Draco currently has access to the following abilities: [i]Blessing of Might:[/i] Blessed by the Goddess with enhanced strength and durability, Draco can take (and inflict) blows that a normal human wouldn't be able to accomplish. Strength wise, Draco is currently strong enough to lift five tons. Durability wise he could take a punch with up to about five tons of force behind it without any real issue. [i]Blessing of Healing:[/i] By channeling his faith in the Goddess, Draco can heal the injured through the power of his faith. Wounds close and heal, broken bones will mend and lost blood will be restored. The [i]exact[/i] extant of the healing this blessing will do depends largely on just how dire the injuries themselves are. An accidental cut on the hand can be healed perfectly fine without issue but several broken bones and stab/gunshot wounds isn't going to be completely restored by faith alone; In such situations the healing will be aimed at more vital injuries first in order to help stabilize the patient above all else. While Draco -can- heal from a close distance (A max of ten feet), it tends to be quicker and easier just to walk up and touch the person. Time required to heal injuries depends on the seriousness of the injury being healed; The above example of a paper cut would take two seconds at most while the broken bones and other injuries could take up to ten-fifteen minutes of hard work and effort to heal as much as his magic can do (Through it would only take one or two minutes tops to stabilize the person). [i]Blessing of Protection:[/i] There are those that believe that faith can turn aside arrows and bullets; For Draco this is actually true. He can perform a blessing on himself [i]and others[/i] that can provide them with a small amount of divine protection in the form of a shield. While it won't stop someone from stepping through and punching them in the face, it can provide temporary protection from attacks fired or launched at range. Of course the number of ranged attacks and the nature of them can have an impact on how long the shield remains active but it is better then nothing. The shield is designed to stop ranged attacks, be they mundane, magical or superhuman. Force wise, the shield could take two 50.Cal API rounds before it shattered. [i][b]Skills:[/b][/i] Public Speaker: Draco has no issue speaking in public with a clear, confident tone. He is training to be the prophet of the Goddess after all, some social skills are required if you wish to sway the hearts and minds of the masses to become one of the faithful. Performer of Rituals: The Goddess has a number of rituals that her faithful are required to take part in and as her only current worshiper Draco had to learn how to perform them perfectly. The rituals that are performed in the name of the Goddess are not magical in nature; Truthfully they are nothing more then an act to help reinforce faith and determination. However, should Draco be asked to assist a friend or peer set up a ritual of their own that requires care in order to get exactly right (Demon summoning can get messy if you draw a summoning circle wrong after all) then Draco is the perfect person to ask. High School Education: Draco has actually finished high school and passed with flying colors; His calling as the prophet of his Goddess might have resulted in him not pursuing higher education at the moment. [i][b]Physical Weaknesses:[/b][/i] While the blessings of his Goddess are great, Draco is still very much human. It might take a more effort then the average human, but he can still be physically hurt. Poisons and illness are also still as effective on him as it would be to anyone else. [i][b]Mental Weaknesses:[/b][/i] Draco's zeal can work against him at times; There are those that disagree with his future plans and his unwillingness to back down is almost certainly going to cause conflict sooner or later. The source of Draco's powers comes from his faith in his Goddess; The more shaken his belief, the weaker and more unstable his powers would become. [i][b]Equipment:[/b][/i] -An amulet on a chain that Draco keeps around his neck. The image of the amulet is that of a hoof covered in barbed wire. If asked, he will admit that it is the symbol of his Goddess. -The divine holy tome of his Goddess that he is currently in the process of writing. [b]«««CEREBRAL PROFILE»»»[/b] [i][b]Personality:[/b][/i] Draco is friendly, loyal and driven to improve himself and the world around him for the benefit of all. He can also be quite stubborn when he believes himself to be right and is not easily convinced otherwise. It isn't strange for him to go out into the world and perform some kind of charity work in the name of his Goddess in order to both improve life in the general community while also swaying the hearts and minds of the general population towards worship of his deity. Draco is swift but fair when it comes to punishing disobedience and failure, but he generally means well whenever he does so. [i][b]Strengths:[/b][/i] Brave, honorable, loyal, determined and strong willed. A man willing to go out into the world and do what needs to be done. [i][b]Interests/Habits:[/b][/i] In his spare time Draco tends to focus on spreading the word of his Goddess, preferring to inspire by his own actions and faith. Exactly how he does this on a day to day basis changes depending on circumstances through. One thing that will always remain consistent however is the fact that he will spend at least one hour every day attempting to train those around him to work better as a team; The exercises themselves will vary, but the main focus will tend to be on establishing trust between members and curbing... chaotic impulses that might endanger a team out in the field. [b]«««PERSONAL BACKGROUND»»»[/b] [i][b]Family Members:[/b][/i] John Russ (Father): Alive Joy Russ (Original name Woods) (Mother): Alive. [i][b]Place of Origin:[/b][/i] Miami [i][b]History:[/b][/i] Draco's childhood was in many ways similar to that of all children with loving middle class parents; He was loved, given the best education that could be afforded and was able to enjoy his childhood by playing around and hanging out with friends after his homework was done. The only major difference that set Draco aside from most ordinary children was the fact that he suffered from nightmares. Nobody understood why Draco was plagued by nightmares even from a young age, but strangely enough they seemed to inspire something within him. As the years past the nightmares became more... refined and less frightening. On the night of Draco's twelfth birthday he met [i]her[/i] for the first time in his dreams. Draco has never been able to actually describe what the Goddess looked like to anyone else, but she was both the most beautiful and terrifying thing that he has ever seen. She greeted him as a teacher would greet a brand new student, politely introducing herself and somewhat awkwardly apologizing for the nightmares that she had caused him; In order to communicate with him she had needed to shape his mind to be more receptive of her and the nightmares were a side effect of that process. The next six years passed by following a retinue; During the day Draco would be a good son, a loyal friend and a model student at school while at Night when he slept he would listen to his Goddess and learned about benevolent dictatorship and how it was the best way to crush out the corruption that had seeped into the world. The night that Draco graduated from high school, his Goddess presented him with a gift; The ability to draw upon her powers in the form of blessings and prayers. At her command, Draco now goes out to make the world a better place! First stop... Miami. [/hider]