Jessie was surprised to see Raiya bolt off with such speed. She looked at the others in the group and shrugged. [color=ed1c24]"I guess I'll see you gang on location."[/color] Jessie stepped a good distance away from the group and took her tome off her belt. She flipped to a page marked with a thick blue-ish green tab at the top. The page had a detailed summoning circle on it, which she placed her hand on. The circle in the book glow, and a larger version of it appeared at her feet. A fierce wind sparked out of nowhere. The spot where Jessie stood within the circle however was calm. The circle appeared again in the sky, and upwards out of it flew a wyvern. The wind died down and the weather returned to its old state. The wyvern landed next to Jessie. In it's standing position, the wyvern was about two feet taller than Jessie. [color=ed1c24]"It's been a while Xal. May I fly with you on this fine day?"[/color] Jessie gave her summon a formal bow, holding her still open tome in front of her in her left hand and her right hand lifted palm up to her side. Xal let out a chirp and bowed to Jessie. Jessie smiled as the Wyven crouched down low enough for his summoner to climb onto his back, Jessie closed her tome and strapped it on her belt before climbing onto the Wyvern's back. She looked back down at the rest of the group. [color=ed1c24]"Sorry guys, I'd give you a ride, but Xal can only handle one person at a time, and seventy miles is too far for me to maintain a summon so I can't ferry you. Ill see you at the site."[/color] She waved to the group as the Wyvern took off and carried her into the air. Jessie held on tight as Xal flew high into the air. Once they were at a good altitude, Jessie looked at her new manadial as Xal maintained their position in the air. She found the location on the manadial and then directed Xal towards the location. After a short time of flying, Xal spotted the destination and began to descend. As the ground became clearer, Jessie spotted Raiya, waiting at the location. Xal landed, and Jessie hopped off his back. She turned back towards the wyvern and gave another bow to him. [color=ed1c24]"Thank you for the flight my friend. May your wings forever be strong, and the winds remain in your favor."[/color] Xal gave a chirp and bowed his head to Jessie before flying up into the sky and vanishing into a poof of cloud. Jessie turned towards Raiya. [color=ed1c24]"So, which of the rest do you think will get here first?"[/color]