[img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Draco%20Russ%2C%20Prophet%0A&name=JBLACK.ttf&size=100&style_color=5905A3[/img] Unlike many of those that had been accepted in order to form this brand new faction of the Teen Titans, Draco hadn't been sponsored by an existing hero. He had been one of the few that had needed to earn his place on the team... and earn it he did. While the other members of the team were saying their farewells to those that had come with them while dropping off their stuff, Draco was in his new room alone. The room itself was rather spartan in order to allow him to customize it as he so desired, but unlike many of the other rooms it did have one thing he had requested; A little extra space that was akin to a walk in closest only without the door or railings. It just had to be a little extra blank space for him to do with as he wished. While the other team members were dropping off their stuff and getting changed, Draco was making a shrine/altar to his Goddess. It was a rather bare bones thing since he wanted to go and meet his new team mates in order to see whom he would be living and working with and he already had designs running through his mind to improve it... maybe even paint a mural on the three walls and roof around and above the altar/shrine as well, but right now it was little more then a humble table upon which were candles, the iron hoof wrapped in barbed wire icon of his faith and the still in progress holy book that he was writing. The prayer to bless the shrine in the Goddesses name lasted a few minutes, but once it was done Draco couldn't help but feel his spirits raise at the sight of it. Not wishing to be to formal when meeting his team mates on the beach but still wishing to look presentable, Draco decided to go with a pair of black shorts and a dark blue t-shirt... and a towel over his shoulder for good measure, depending on how things went. The walk to the beach wasn't a long one, but Draco couldn't help but feel a little nervous about meeting new people. The nerves lessened somewhat as he saw the group that was starting to gather... being increasing again as he saw that two of his team mates were rather attracted girls wearing [i]very[/i] nice swim suits. Taking a deep breath in order to calm himself and reestablish control of himself so as not to embarrass himself, he calmly finished walking up to the group and offered a wave in greeting. "[color=0072bc]How is everyone doing?[/color]" He called out with surprising confidence. [@Princeofhearts][@RumikoOhara]