[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/576426537e651e7c5a997964619af6ab/tumblr_myr17kRT4G1t76qq2o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Blue&name=Coffee%20House.ttf&size=100&style_color=bf00ff[/img][/center] [hr] [color=bf00ff][b]N A M E[/b][/color] [indent]Blue[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]A G E[/b][/color] [indent]21[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]G E N D E R[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]A F F I L I A T I O N[/b][/color] [indent]The Razors[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]Y E A R S W I T H G A N G[/b][/color] [indent]Blue has been with the Razors since he was eighteen, though up until recently, he’s been a rather passive part of it. Growing up is never easy - especially so for a scrawny, little Korean kid living in San Marzano. Born out of wedlock between his druggie mother and an absent father, the young Blue spent the first few years of his life within the walls of a crack house, surrounded by people who spent most of their time passed out in a pool of their own vomit. He’d never gotten much in the way of formal education, only having went to school up till fifth grade, but hey, at least he stayed there long enough to learn how to read, write, and count. Blue doesn’t like to talk about it, but he used to have an older half-brother. Keyword: [i]used to[/i]. He was seven years older than Blue, already well into a crack addiction by the time he’d even heard of it. Blue didn’t get into the habit of using till he turned fourteen, when his brother dropped a plastic-wrapped 8-ball of meth in his hands. An early birthday present, he said, teeth bared in a shit-eating grin. Two months later, they found him dead, overdosed on a badly laced batch of crack. The city police came and took him away; didn’t say anything about the distinct lack of parent, nor the glassy, red-rimmed eyes of Blue, obviously not caused by crying. Left to fend for himself, Blue followed in his mother’s footsteps and took to the streets, loitering around street corners, offering [i]“favours”[/i] in exchange for money. Climbing into strangers’ cars and scuffing his knees on filthy asphalt became second nature to him, though it was all he could do to put it to the back of his mind. And then one day, he got careless, caught by a plainclothes officer when he went out too early in the afternoon. Blue had sauntered up to the him, high off his mind, purring in his ear, asking whether he needed a little extra spice in his life. Blue was sentenced to a twelve month-minimum hold in a juvenile detention center, quickly lengthened to fourteen when he tried to wrestle the officer that removed him from the courtroom to the floor, and once again to sixteen when they found him giving a blowjob to one of the cafeteria workers. When Blue finally got out, he went right back to what he was doing before. The addiction that ended within the walls of juvie caught up with him faster than he’d liked, and there was only one thing left he could do. He supposed it was inevitable, really, when one of his customers decided he didn’t want to pay, and when Blue demanded he fork out the cash, things went south real quick. Broken and bleeding, he stumbled onto the front steps of the Grotto, where he stayed until the wee hours of the morning. Believe it or not, after that, the Razors took him in. For a couple of months, he followed other members around like a lost puppy, watching and learning about how things worked - an errand boy of sorts - eventually getting involved in drug deals himself. It wasn’t an easy process, even landed himself in prison once or twice, but he got through it, as he always did.[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b][/color] [indent]Blue isn’t the tallest, nor the the most intimidating of figures. He stands just a hair off 5’6”, with lean muscles and light olive skin stretched over a lithely built frame. Much like how an animal puffs itself up to ward off any potential predators, Blue has taken to doing the same with his appearance. His skin is peppered with countless tattoos, though most of them are rather poorly done. To name a few, the words [i]‘INHALE’[/i] and [i]‘EXHALE’[/i] are tattooed on his thighs, two black X’s just above his navel, a crudely drawn crown on his left forearm, a smiley face on his right hand, and a small heart on each of the first knuckles of his middle fingers. He wears a mask depicting [url=http://media.overkillsoftware.com/2015/02/hlm2_mask_screen_jake.png]a hissing, green snake[/url] - its forked tongue and pointy teeth testaments to the venom-spitting Blue. As for how he dresses, well… [i]“skanky”[/i] would probably be the best word to describe it - quite possibly a habit leftover from his streetwalking days. When he’s not out on business, he favours anything made of leather; leather jackets, leather pants, leather chokers, combat boots, you name it. Other times, loose-fitting tees paired with booty shorts (yes, [i]booty shorts[/i]) or ripped jeans are his go-to choice. He definitely tries too hard, but because he likes to think he’s an expert at these things, he somehow manages to make all of it look effortless. Much like his personality, his voice is particularly loud and somewhat grating on the ear. While he says it’s to make up for the muffling effect of the mask, he’s always spoken like that, even before the phenomenon swept across San Marzano. If there’s anything Blue hates, it’s standing up straight. Of course, addressing his posture could probably help with the whole 5’6” situation, but it’s far too much effort and he [i]doesn’t wanna[/i]. Most of the time, you’ll find him standing with his shoulders rolled forward, hands stuck in his pockets as he snaps and snarls at anyone who looks at him wrong. Apart from the collapsed veins lining the insides of his elbows from shooting up one too many times, fading bruises are visible on the surface of his skin. They’re mostly from getting thrown out of clubs after getting a tad too drunk on jello shots and picking a fight with some guy twice his size, but hey; live fast, die young, right?[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/color] [indent]With an ego bigger than his rather unimpressive frame, and a penchant for telling people to fuck off, it’s easy to peg Blue for a textbook case of Small Dog Syndrome. Naturally, this means that he isn’t the most pleasant person to be around. Though this isn’t to say he’s all bad - just that he’s hard to like (much less to love, but don’t tell him that). While he might not be the brightest, nor the most knowledgeable, he is a good judge of character, and it takes little time for him to classify someone. He is particularly good at thinking on his feet, but doesn't often give much thought to long-term consequences. The guy is, by nature, extremely impulsive, both in the things he does and the things he says. As far as he’s concerned, life’s too short to sit around let shit just happen, it’s all about the now, and how you handle the people and things that surround you. If he likes something, chances are he’ll let you know it, and if he doesn’t, well, he’s never been shy about voicing his opinion in that matter as well. Suffice to say, he has a terrible habit of mouthing off and getting his ass kicked. He doesn't abide by the rules, he doesn't play fairly, and he certainly doesn't let anyone think they can get one up on him. Try as he might, he’s never really had the best poker face in the world, and it tends to give him away more than not. Interestingly, while he has a rather obnoxious habit of grandstanding, he has very little tolerance of the habit in others. Blue frequently admonishes others to get to the point. But with a keen wit, a penchant for absurdism, and a horrifyingly macabre streak, you get the sense that he always has a snicker hidden at the corner of his mouth, even in the worst of situations. You know shit’s gotten pretty fucking heavy when Blue gets serious and loses the grin. Completely indifferent to major events unless they directly impact him, he has never met a boundary he wouldn’t cross. He’ll go to bat for you if you make him laugh, if he likes your style, or if you have something that tickles his fancy (cigarettes, ugly puppies, and cheeseburgers, just as an FYI).[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]S T R E N G T H S[/b][/color] [indent][color=39ff14]▲[/color] Blue is resourceful, able to think incredibly fast on his feet. While his long-term planning isn’t quite up to par, he’s quite proficient at making split-second decisions that rescue him from sticky situations. [color=39ff14]▲[/color] While some people might be held back by such petty things as [i]“dignity”[/i], [i]“morality”[/i] and [i]“self-respect”[/i], those are three things that Blue has long since abandoned. If something needs to be done, you’ll be damned well sure he gets it done no matter the cost. [color=39ff14]▲[/color] Blue is a stubborn son of a bitch, and his endurance - both physical and mental - is definitely something to write home about. He can take a hell of a beating, pushing through it with bruised ribs and bloodied teeth, though it’s an easy enough matter when you’ve been through the shit Blue has.[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]W E A K N E S S E S[/b][/color] [indent][color=red]▼[/color] Blue has a tendency of letting his emotions get the better of him, clouding his judgment. [color=red]▼[/color] While he’s lightning quick on his feet, he isn’t the best in a fight. He’s never been formally trained, and it shows. Blue fights like his life depends on it - and most of the time, it does - clawing, biting, going for soft spots whenever possible. He isn’t afraid to resort to dirty tricks, either, even if some might call him a coward for it. [color=red]▼[/color] Diplomacy is a huge problem for him, and he has a terrible habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. This has already gotten him into trouble more than he’d like, though it seems kicking the habit is a task easier said than done. [color=red]▼[/color] Long-term consequences escape his notice, and he doesn’t pay much thought to how his choices might pay off or hinder him in the long run. [color=red]▼[/color] Blue is an addict, and he sinks a substantial amount of cash into feeding his drug habit. Needless to say, things get ugly when he doesn’t get his fix.[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]L I K E S[/b][/color] [indent][color=39ff14]✔[/color] Money, cars, clothes, and any sort of material goods he can get his grubby little hands on. After two decades of getting dealt a shit hand, he’s grown incredibly materialistic. Blue’s pride and joy is a secondhand [url=http://blogs.c.yimg.jp/res/blog-f4-59/soradaisuki_731110/folder/1571290/41/62996141/img_0]VFR Interceptor[/url] he got for cheap. It’s not what you normally see amidst the roaring muscle cars characteristic to the Razors, but it’s much easier to get around on a motorbike. [color=39ff14]✔[/color] Food. It doesn’t matter what kind of food it is, though he does seem to favour anything deep-fried. It’s kind of a miracle that he doesn’t weigh two-hundred pounds by now, given his borderline ridiculous eating habits. [color=39ff14]✔[/color] Animals - everything from a slobbering Rottweiler to a glassy-eyed goldfish. What can he say? They’re infinitely more likeable than humans are, and much easier to understand, too. Who wants to fuss with interpersonal relationships when a trusty dog by your side could do the trick? [color=39ff14]✔[/color] Getting drunk and/or high. He doesn’t think there’s a drug in the world he hasn’t true yet. Not long after he finished his eight-month sentence, he began indulging his old vices. He’s not in as deep as he used to be, but he’s getting there.[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]D I S L I K E S[/b][/color] [indent][color=red]✘[/color] Coffee. Blue [i]hates[/i] the stuff, and he finds it hard to believe anyone actually enjoys it. [color=red]✘[/color] Open/unlocked doors. They make him feel like he’s being watched, like anyone could just barge in, and it’s bad enough to keep him awake the entire night in a state of paranoid vigilance. [color=red]✘[/color] People who think they’re better than everyone else. It’s kind of hypocritical - considering all the shit-talking he does - but all the same, there’s nothing he hates more than arrogance, especially when it comes from those who don’t deserve to place themselves on a pedestal. [color=red]✘[/color] He doesn’t like sleeping in beds. Whenever he needs to conk out, he’ll do it in a bathroom - in the bathtub, more specifically - or on the floor if the former option isn’t available.[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b][/color] [indent]-[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]O T H E R[/b][/color] [indent]Blue’s weapon of choice is a simple switchblade. It’s not the biggest, nor the most intimidating, but as they always say, it’s what you do with it that counts.[/indent] [color=bf00ff][b]T H E M E[/b][/color] [indent][url=https://youtu.be/98oMvKF-78Y]The Dead Weather - I Feel Love (Every Million Miles)[/url][/indent] [center] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/6036e38d86058e855a9d0a3ddeacabba/tumblr_msvjzjiItD1s4ybcjo1_500.gif[/img][/center]