[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmViOTVmOS5TaWQ2Wlc0Z1dtRjBZWEpoLjAA/dynamic-brk.regular.png[/img] As more of the new Titans slowly walked in the room, whom were many of them to be exact and all of them looked really well, very powerful as-well. Though, the mention of a feast at the beach was rather fascinating and J'zen couldn't wait to get in the water and swim around freeely!~ As the leader of the group, introduced herself, J'zen smiled at the leader whom was really pretty and really fast for a girl like herself. He decided to introduce himself as-well! [color=pink]"My name is J'zen! And it is a pleasure to meet you all."[/color] he'd say in a cheerful tone of voice before turning his head slightly over to a guy[Draco], whom was looking rather shy and knowing by his tone of voice as-well. J'zen nodded at the guy with a smile before offering him a friendly wave towards the teenager; [color=pink]"Hello! And I am doing just fine, thanks for asking, yourself?. It's so awesome, inside the tower right? So big and all. Ah, I am rather hungry now.."[/color] J'zen placed a hand on his stomach, turning away from Draco but his ears were all on him just in-case he wanted to answer J'zen back. The team were looking quite nice and it was good to have some people that were magical like himself, thankfully that is, Zatanna never mentioned this type of thing but she wouldn't have known anyways. J'zen fixed his swimsuit a bit, as he turned around slightly to grab his sun-protector lotion, just because the male didn't want anything to damage his beautiful, soft skin. As his swimsuit was rather tightly, those around him could know that his chest was -really- flat, since he was a male. Confusion confusion. As the others continued to speak to themselves, J'zen tilted his head to slightly to the side while tying his hair up into a ponytail. It seemed that everyone was already getting along rather well! [color=pink]"Well, my codename is Charmed or Wiccan but my real name is J'zen, which I just said already but that doesn't matter. Hah, don't mind me! I'm just here.. being a random. Sorry for interrupting your conversation guys."[/color] J'zen giggled softly while rubbing his arm in a shyly way before heading over to the beach, where the feast was waiting for him![/center] [@Zebra][@SirSqueakalot91][@RumikoOhara][@Bright_Ops][@olcharlieboi]