[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/1d/ac/76/1dac763a8097e603e3ebd9ddf1f8a910.gif[/img] [sub][color=red]Anything[/color] [color=cyan]that[/color] [color=red]gets[/color] [color=cyan]your[/color] [color=red]blood[/color] [color=cyan]racing[/color] [color=red]is[/color] [color=cyan]probably[/color] [color=red]worth[/color] [color=cyan]doing.[/color][/sub] [url=http://fontmeme.com/grunge-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=T&name=MUDSHAKE_83.ttf&size=100&style_color=FF0000[/img][/url][url=http://fontmeme.com/grunge-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=I&name=MUDSHAKE_83.ttf&size=100&style_color=00FFFF[/img][/url][url=http://fontmeme.com/grunge-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=M&name=MUDSHAKE_83.ttf&size=100&style_color=FF0000[/img][/url][url=http://fontmeme.com/grunge-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=M&name=MUDSHAKE_83.ttf&size=100&style_color=00FFFF[/img][/url][url=http://fontmeme.com/grunge-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Y&name=MUDSHAKE_83.ttf&size=100&style_color=FF0000[/img][/url][/center] [color=red]✯ [b]Name[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]Timmy, sometimes called the Tiger.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Age[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]22 years old.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Gender[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]Male[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Affiliation[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]The 33rd Street Razors.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Years With Gang[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]Five years with the Razors.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Appearance[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]Scrawny and thin, Timmy looks like the exact opposite of a physical threat, apart, of course, from his snarling Tiger mask and agitated movements. His twitches, ticks and flicks would put you in mind of an athlete waiting for the match to begin or a warrior itching to get to the thick of it, except on a man more gristle than meat they look almost comical. It doesn't help that any clothes that Timmy chooses go from stylish to misshapen and tacky the second he puts them on, no matter how carefully the outfit is selected. He practically radiates an aura of 'unthreatening victim' to those people who look for such things and even those not so attentive are unlikely to be threatened or impressed by his lanky figure. Right up until he hammers a glass bottle into a bouncer's face with a gleeful cackle. Then people tend to revaluate his threat level.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Personality[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]You know that feeling you get when you score the winning goal, beat the unbeatable game boss, or kiss that special someone? The thumping in your chest, the racing of your heart, the sudden power that fills you up and makes you want to scream? That's adrenaline, liquid energy naturally produced by the body to help us when we're in a tight spot. With it pumping through your veins, you can run faster, punch harder and survive more. Some people describe an adrenaline rush as the only time they feel truly alive. Timmy is not just one of those people, he's their king. Ever since he first tasted the bitter tang of adrenaline on his tongue, the rest of the world was painted over in grey and beige. Every moment was a drag, every day without it an eternity. In the space of but a few weeks, he transformed from a mild mannered, middle class boy to a first class adrenaline junky. It didn't matter what he had to do to get his fix; glass a bouncer, head-butt a priest, dirtbike while drunk, tightrope walk while high, he'd do it and then do it again. His antics brought him to the attention of the 33rd Street Razors who saw a kindred spirit in a frail body and invited him to join their ranks. Ever since then, Timmy has been benefitting from the perks of being a member of the infamous gang, from easy access to narcotics, fast cars and weapons to many opportunities to to sate his lust for excitement. While he might not initially seem like a natural recruit for the Razors, his single minded determinedness to obtain an adrenaline high at any cost, to himself or others, fits in just fine with them. Having fully abandoned his former life, Timmy is all in as a member of the Razors, living by their rules and embodying their philosophy to the best of his abilities. In return, the gang's name and infrastructure protect him for the worst consequences of his actions. Without them, Timmy would likely not last a day.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Strengths[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]Berserker [color=red]-[/color] Timmy's addiction to adrenaline and general bloody mindedness makes him a vicious beast when set loose in close proximities to a potential opponent. Where other fighters seek to guard themselves and harm the enemy without taking too much damage themselves, Timmy is all whirlwind of fists, feet, teeth and knives that only cares about savouring the feeling of dancing on the edge of knife, not about defending himself or surviving the fight. Driver [color=red]-[/color] There are few ways to guarantee a spike in one's pulse than racing a fast car round a hair-pin bend or executing a Lazy Boy on a dirt bike. As such, Timmy has spent many, many hours behind the wheel and all that practise has gained him some skill. In all fairness, his driving abilities aren't based on speed, safety or efficiency but on how dangerous and exciting he can make any given action. Survivor [color=red]-[/color] Despite his wiry frame, Timmy is both surprisingly strong and shockingly tough. A combined addiction to adrenaline and drugs have wreaked merry hell with his nervous system, heart and body in general. Due to this, Timmy can take more punches than most men several times his weight and still get up to give out a few hits of his own.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Weaknesses[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]Untrained [color=red]-[/color] Although he's been in uncountable scraps and fights during his membership of the Razors, Timmy has never received any formal training for any of his skills. He fights like a rabid beast because he's got the same amount of training as one and drives like a drunken toddler because he hasn't got a license. While he can blunder through with luck and belligerence, many tasks call for a level of technical skill that he simply doesn't have. Unhealthy [color=red]-[/color] Almost all addictions have negative affects on both the victim's social life and physiology and Timmy is no exception. His old life has almost been completely lost in a haze of drugs and death, leaving him no friends outside the Razors. And his body is a twitching, scarred wreck, no longer able to properly regulate its natural release of adrenaline or balance his humours. Unstable [color=red]-[/color] When you're obsessed with finding excitement at any cost, even if it is detrimental to yourself and others, you're bound to get hurt and to do some hurting. Finding methods of obtaining that elusive high that were previously effective now dull, Timmy has to work hard to experience new thrills. So far he has managed to avoid breaking the Razor's cardinal rule, to not betray one another, but one of days he may slip up.[/color] [color=red]✯ Likes ✯[/color] [color=cyan][color=red]✔[/color] Almonds, Kale and healthy, organic foods that boost the body's adrenaline output. [color=red]✔[/color] Going out at night on the main streets, where the city is all neon and concrete. [color=red]✔[/color] Driving to the edge of the city to drive in the dust and drink in the dirt. [color=red]✔[/color] Partying until he can't think, always seeking to one up everyone else.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Dislikes[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan][color=red]✘[/color] Fast food, salt and other things that clog up the body and slow down the mind. [color=red]✘[/color] Slow Sundays, boring Wednesdays and times when nothing happens. [color=red]✘[/color] Situations and places where no one is supposed to move or make noise, like Churches or Libraries. [color=red]✘[/color] Waking up after a good night and suffering for it.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Relationships[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]Blank, for now.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Other[/b] ✯[/color] [color=cyan]Blank, for now.[/color] [color=red]✯ [b]Theme[/b] ✯[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_jdiU47bFA][i][color=cyan]Ballroom Blitz[/color] - [color=red]Sweet[/color][/i][/url]