Nemo listened to Raiya with his thumbs in his pockets as the rest of the team arrived. He tried to think of something to say to keep the conversation going but was coming up short. [color=C0C0C0]"I'm sure Feli-"[/color] He started before Raiya's monotonous statement cut him off. Nemo stepped down off the porch and followed Raiya. Eager to begin the first mission he had ever done with a team, not to mention the first mission he had ever done as a co-leader. It was something out of his comfort zone, but as long as he had his new partner for help he figured he'd be able to manage. His daydream fantasy had distracted him from the real world. He only heard the end of what Raiya said next. [color=C0c0c0]"Keep up? But I just used my last te-"[/color] He tried to get out until Raiya zipped away. [color=c0c0c0]"-leportation card to find you... Oh... Okay... Well that's just great."[/color] Nemo rambled as he stared off and watched her disappear into the distance. [i][color=c0c0c0]"So much for leading together."[/color][/i] He thought, rather disappointed. However his disappointment soon turned to anxiety once the summoner girl flew off as well. [i][color=c0c0c0]"If we walk, we'll reach there just in time... to die."[/color][/i] Nemo thought as he checked his manadial, his right eye twitched as he came to his conclusion. He turned around and faced the remaining three members of the group, anxiety rising. [color=c0c0c0]"How are we gonna get there now?"[/color] He said nervously. Nemo nervously rubbed the left side of his face with his hand as he thought. [color=c0c0c0][i]"We've got a untalent, a ruin mage, and a arctic swordsman. There's no way any of them have a way to get us all there. This isn't possible unless Felix helps us, but he was only supposed to help in a emergency. This situation is making me uncomfortable. Nobody has ever waited for me before. I can feel the pressure inside my mind. Raiya just left me in the dust to lead the rest alone, these people are looking to me for guidance but I don't know what to do. Why did she have to leave so quickly? Why didn't somebody warn me how hard this was going to be?"[/i][/color] Nemo began to mentally deteriorate on the spot. Nemo watched Artos walk off, a feeling of dread washing over him now. [color=c0c0c0]"Oh no, we failed already! He's gonna go tell Felix what a horrible leader I am. I don't deserve to live anymore. You all looked up to me and I let you down. I don't deserve this title because I'm worthless."[/color] At this point Nemo had dramatically collapsed into the porch barrier and limply folded over the railing like a wet noodle as he (mostly) silently spiraled into despair.