[@Saarebas] [@Weird Tales] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156425&s=45&t=Jesse&c=FF0000[/img] [URL= http://img11.deviantart.net/60c2/i/2015/181/f/2/wondergirl___swimsuit_special_by_j_skipper-d8zfe6v.png]Swimsuit[/URL] [img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156425&s=45&t=Quick&c=FFCC00[/img] [h2][color=FF3366]AWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWA[/color][/h2][/center] Jesse knew she was being a bad girl teasing Charles but couldn't help herself because his reaction to her suit was priceless as well as flattering. She knew she looked good because she'd seen the reaction in uncle Bruce's eyes as well as the other males and a couple of the ladies of the Justice League but none so extreme. When Gamer swooned at her over the top never gonna happen suggestion of nude hot tub bathing then ran off she let the poor boy go an catch his breath. Then she stood back up and looked around an giggled as she said [color=FF3366]" Let's get the party started."[/color] She once more became a blur as she headed to the beach and started the BBQ fire, opened the chips, opened the trays of slaw, potato salad, actual salads, deserts and everything else you might expect at a good beach party. It would appear to many that she'd multiplied she moved so fast hyped up at the response to her team's invitation. Sure being here was a bit of a demotion after working with the JL on a few missions with her dad an mom but it was also liberating not having to worry about the direct observation of her seniors. She planned on making this Titans annex the best in the world though she wasn't clear on how she'd do that at the moment. She spotted James and his display of power and appeared before him shaking his hand saying [color=FF3366]"James so good of you to join us, love the Jurassic shift careful you don't scare off the fish. I'm Jesse Chambers the appointed leader of this party but you may call me your Majesty"[/color] She laughs softly looking around them an adds [color=FF3366]"Actually Jesse would be fine. Enjoy the spread and have fun because barring we receive an emergency call I want everyone to get to know one another before we start all the work needed to make us a team"[/color] She's off in a flash and over at the DJ table flipping switches an selecting music (Boom, Boom Satellites "Easy Action) When Haunt pulled his stunt she had to admit it had a delightful goosebumps effect that might have elicited a Shiver from her if he'd have gone much farther. [color=FF3366]"Hi Johnny go to see you in high spirits I'm Jesse the Hostess of this collection of confusion"[/color]