[i]There had to be people that were still searching for her..[/i] Ariyah looked on with longing eyes at the place that was the end of her human self. She knew that she had not been born a mermaid. She knew that this was not her previous life, but she also didn't know what her life had been before this. All she knew was that she had fallen down the same cliff she was looking at and that everything just felt cold. She continuously asked herself if she had a mother before this life. Did she have kids? A partner? Anyone that loved or cared enough to look for her. It was these questions that had gotten herself in trouble so many times with the other Mermaids. She was told several times to not dwell so close to the surfaces where humans tended to be around, but she couldn't help herself from wanting to know more about her previous life. It was then that she noticed the dark clouds rolling in over the water. A coldness fell over her again, like the night that she nearly died. Ariyah's violet eyes darted from the sky to the ocean, then back again. The winds had began to pick up, causing the waves to rise. The dark haired mermaid sighed as she took one last look over at the cliffs, then to the shore where humans usually gathered on sunny days. "[color=8882be]Wait...[/color]" She expected the beach have no living beings on it, but there was one girl who seemed to be deep in thought. Ariyah turned her head towards the deep as she began to feel the tide pulling her back. This was never a good sign. A wave twice the height of the others had formed and was now rushing towards the beach where the human woman stood. Ariyah once again turned her head and saw that the woman had began to walk away but she knew that the stranger wouldn't make it out on time. "[color=8882be]Run![/color]" Yet another rule that Ariyah broke. Speaking to humans. It was all in vain though, as the wave reached Ariyah and pulled her in, shutting her up. She had no choice left but to try and help the human. The dark haired mermaid raced against time to try and reach the human as the rip tide began to pull the both of them in deeper into the ocean. With a wave of that magnitude, Ariyah knew the human would be either extremely disoriented or completely unconscious. It felt as if it took eons to get to the human, but finally she was able to reach her before another wave rolled over them and the tide sucked them in deeper into the ocean and further away from the shore. "[color=8882be]I won't be able to make it back in this stupid storm.[/color]" Ariyah had began to panic now. Being under water for too long would kill the woman, but surfacing in this weather could cause problems for the both of them. Groaning, Ariyah decided to take the chances and surface once to make sure everything was okay with the woman. She appeared to be breathing which was all Ariyah could as for. "Im going to get in so much trouble," the young mermaid groaned again and began tugging the stranger towards one of the small islands that belonged to the pod. It would be the only safe place for the human and it would allow Ariyah to go and get help from the more experienced Mermaids. ---------- Once arriving to the island, Ariyah panted heavily as she drug herself and the human onto the sandy shore. "[color=8882be]Stay here. Stay hidden.[/color]" She didn't know whether the woman was conscious or not, but her warning was still not to be taken lightly. After assuring herself that there were no severe injuries, Ariyah leapt back into the water and began swimming as fast as possible. It would be highly unlikely that any of her mermaid 'sisters' were out in the waters with the storm, but this was of dire emergency. At least to her it was. Being so, Ariyah began to shout for help, hoping someone would hear her in the depths of the ocean.