Sila hummed as she walked towards the school. She wasn't one to start off the day grumbling about things. Seeing a fight going on, Sila walked right on past it. She chuckled as she did so, amused by how quickly people were able to get offended and start a fights. Not that she didn't understand the feeling of wanting to hurt someone for the sake of violence. She just had more class than that. Sort of. She grabbed a lunch, taking a bite before even sitting down. Not bad but... I can cook up something better. With that thought in mind, she looked around. There were a few people chatting and the such. Silat found a male that had eyes that resembled her brother and started walking towards him. [color=0072bc]"G'morning! Mind if I sit here?"[/color] she asked, a sweet smile on her face. [@Slendy]