[center][h1]The Operative[/h1][/center] Breathing slowly, Unit a51FLwo8641i began extending his grappling line, and [i]slowed[/i]. Time around the figure slowed to a crawl, and even the blonde speedster seemed to slow down to a more normal pace. Swinging his body, Unit a51FLwo8641i began building, moving at an achingly slow rate as the long seconds passed as his handler continued to count down. Once he built up enough momentum, Unit a51FLwo8641i detached his cable and flew into the air. Extending his arms to his side, he began to fall towards the group of teenagers many stories below him. The world seemed so much more vibrant now, the colors more saturated, details crisper. He could see the way the speedsters hair moved in the wind, blowing softly in an unseen wind, a pink haired figure suspended in mid-jump above the ocean, and the other figures frozen in their interactions. He felt an odd pang in his chest, something he had never felt before. It was an unpleasant burning sensation, a phantom itch that Unit a51FLwo8641i knew he would never be able soothe. Ignoring the feeling and half way down the tower, Unit a51FLwo8641i brought his knees to his chest, and straightened out as he fell. Feet pointed towards the ground, the boy began counting the seconds until impact. When he reached five, his feet broke the water's surface, the impact sending up a large spray of water up. His eye tracked the individual drops as his body descended into the depths. Once he was completely engulfed by the clear water, he began swimming back up towards the surface. "Well then Operative, that's one way to make an entrance." Unit a51FLwo8641i could practically hear the grin in his handler's voice as he broke the surface.