[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmNlNTU3Mi5UV2x5WldrZ1dYVjNZWE5vYVd0aC4w/too-freakin-cute-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Mirei said her goodbye's to the man named Jason that had taught her how to properly play the game. She [i]really[/i] wanted a martini right now. I think I have something to drink at home... yeah, of course I do. Mirei walked towards the exit door and opened it, walking out of the arcade. A cute little place. She'd have to visit the place another time. Mirei was just about to walk off to her home when she heard someone curse rather loudly, causing her to flinch and look to the side. To her surprise, she saw a male just then collapse onto his back. Her eyes flew wide as she rushed over to him. [color=#FFCCFF]"A-Are you alright? No... you aren't."[/color] Mirei looked around. He wasn't bleeding or anything. Just in pain. Being someone in the medical field, she couldn't ignore this and leave him be. He didn't seem to need 911 medical attention or anything. Out of instinct, Mirei grabbed one of his arms and helped him up. He wasn't responding very well. Mirei bit her lip as she saw a cab come near. She signaled for the cab to stop, opening the door once it did. [color=#FFCCFF]"Ah, Ummm... Tower of Takaita please."[/color] she said, putting the man into the cab gently. Was he... ah, he was drunk. She could now smell the alcohol more than ever as she sat beside him. [color=#FFCCFF]"Ummm.."[/color] she didn't know what to say as she looked down at the man with an extremely concerned look on her face. Soon, they were at her apartment. She stepped out of the car first and looked down at the man. [color=#FFCCFF]"Do you think you can stand...? Th-this is my place. I can bring you up to my room if you aren't able to walk on your own."[/color] Mirei had an extremely worried expression as she looked at him. [@Chicogal]