[center][img]https://googledrive.com/host/0ByCDZX18AmmONzZWYW96RjlQZUE/fancy-horz_zps742090b3.png[/img][color=gold][h1][i]EDORIC[/i][/h1][/color] [img]https://googledrive.com/host/0ByCDZX18AmmONzZWYW96RjlQZUE/fancy-horz_zps742090b3.png[/img][/center] Edoric simply watched and observed as the knight Lyanna and the magos Xega conversed about their situation. The two were certainly a pretty interesting bunch from first impressions at least, one from a kingdom of magic and the other a kingdom of sensual indulgence. Both rang faint bells inside Edoric's head, had he been there before? Where they even around the same time periods? Could it have been one was built upon the ruins of the other? It was quite clear that his mind was still cobbling itself together after its long slumber and its reconstruction after he snapped. The merchant prayed to whatever God was still around that it didn't make himself look too much like a babbling madman, it would not be good first impressions but something told Edoric not to worry about that. He'd already botched it. [color=royalblue]“I do not know what has happened here beyond the obvious; we’ve risen from the dead, and I presume that the rest of you suffer the same condition I do in regards to our memory faculties. I hypothesize, thus far, that it is the work of a necromancer who intends to deliver unto us some fell task or use us in some abhorrent ritual. But one would think such a sorcerer would be present. And seems to me that such effort to raise the dead, in such a condition as we are--made wholesome once more despite our cause of death--would be more taxing than simply capturing some schmuck to bleed out on one’s altar.”[/color] Edoric listened intently as the Magos Xega spoke, his mind much sharper than his own on such matters. Matters of arcane had always intrigued the man, but after a few dabbles into it, he had convinced himself that perhaps it was the shine of gold which his mind saw more clearly than that of ancient tomes and mythical scrolls. However, Edoric did discover that such could make for good bed time stories for those long, sleepless nights that crawled back into his memories. [color=gold]"I've heard of these sorts of things before on my travels. To some degree of truth, probably."[/color] Edoric corrected himself as he present his own idea of their situation, [color=gold]"I've heard that there are pagans who've managed to call upon the spirits of the dead through unholy rituals, albeit not full bodies. If I remember correctly there was also a plague in the city of... of... ermm... never mind. There was something that had spread amongst the populace which caused deaths like these, but nothing about resurrection. Perhaps this state might be a mix of events?"[/color] Edoric can only pray that he didn't sound too ignorant or uninformed compared to that of Xega, lest he get a mouthful of how improbable such things were before he'd quote some advanced arcane scripture on the matter. Never the less, those stories where true in the way that Edoric had heard them from others in life, he thought at least. [color=gold]"O-oh, I've almost forgotten to introduce myself."[/color] Edoric took a step back and place one hand on his chest and the other outstretched to his side and gracefully bowed, [color=gold]"Edoric of Sikth? Yes, Skith. Merchant explorer of House-"[/color] [i]Shit[/i], Edoric mentally cursed. His brain had made the connection to merchant houses of his homeland but stopped right there, his mind unable to draw up a name, [i]You're making a wonderful fool of yourself mate[/i] [color=gold]"Edoric of Skith; merchant explorer of House Dwyndelir"[/color], Edoric quickly repeated himself and inserted a random name, hoping that no one would notice as he formed up a much more level-headed, almost noble fascade, [color=gold]"Sorry about that, it would seem that this place has had quite the effect on my mind-"[/color] A low growl echoed in the bloody chamber as Xega piped up once more, [color=royalblue]“Ah, of course. There is also the matter of animals. Of course I should have suspected we might encounter some blighted beast; there’s plenty of scraps for it, after all.”[/color] Gripping his sword-mace with ironhands and sweatly palms, Edoric worried on what "beast" Xega was speaking of. He wanted to say that it might have just been soem stray wolf, allured by the scent of meat and blood. But given the giant instinal-looking thing that hung from the ceiling (and whose unholy slime had slithered down his back), Edoric was expecting something much, much worse. Something like a... mute woman? Edoric listened as Xega began to talk once more, a chatty one he was but none the less informative or inquisitive. As the woman in question moved more in closer to Edoric's feel of view, he could immediately tell she was worse for wear than possibly any of them. Forgoing the missing tongue which was no doubt the cause of her beastly growls, he could tell that she was of royalty, or at the very least, of wealth. But it had seemed like such wealth was a distant memory given her lack of shoes and sunken face with a number of blemishes upon her probably pretty face. [color=gold]"Edoric of Sikth; Explorer Merchant of House Dwyndelir."[/color] Edoric politely bowed, his lie much more natural this time, [color=gold]"Can I assume that you also have no idea how you ended up in such a hell?"[/color]