She shivered at his touch, those gentle fingers stroking her wing where it had been damaged all those years ago. It was always that wing that bothered her after training, always that one that ached so terribly if she slept on it wrong while the other one only went a little numb as with any arm or leg. But this felt nice. Mattie felt that she should have pulled away and that she shouldn't be letting him touch her like this. She couldn't, though; it was either that she was too tired to resist or that she liked it. More likely it was a little of both. Her eyes shut slowly and she held onto him, tight, tighter. The alcohol was starting to get to her and she felt as though if she were to let go she might fall over. But even if she weren't drunk and emotional, she might have still clung on. "We'll face it together," she agreed groggily. Did she forgive him? She didn't know. Her world had shrunken to just the two of them, standing there, for now. To his smell. To his soft words. Mattie sighed.