[@wolverbells][@Holy Soldier] Aquawlad Settled atop a lichen coated rock, golden eyes scanning the open sea. A storm was brewing and already the sea was changing, if any of her sisters or in fact anything at all was dragged out to open sea she would be ready to help. A bottle nose dolphin swam nearby, it's sensory abilities much butter than Aquawlad's own. A pull of the ocean signaled a wave, this one bigger than the ones before. For the mermaid it meant nothing unless someone was above water. The wave crashed and began pulling back into the ocean. All of the sudden the bottle-nose dolphin darted up to her. A distress call or a creature caught in the ripe tide. No matter what it was the two headed out. Hand on the dolphins dorsal fin they spend through the water toward the source of the sound. Little did Aquawlad know what was she was truly getting herself into. When she arrived Ariyah had already been captured. Her options were limited; if she fought she would surely lose, if she followed she might to be captured. But if she went back for more help it would do no good, the meremen would be gone, vanished into the ocean, and poor sweet Ariyah would be gone for good. The poor girl was so young. In following her heart Aquawlad followed the meremen at a distance, her body pressed close to her dolphin companion. As they followed she whistel back toward her home, calling for more dolphins, if any were out at all.