[center][h2][color=8882be]Kirin[/color] Casual interest check[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/88Gzx9h.png[/img][/center] The man didn't look pleased by Kirin's rather rash actions and seemed to have an annoyed aura about him. Well she wasn't surprised that he would be annoyed after almost slicing off his head. After glaring at him she continued slicing the robots like there was bo tommorow. There were a lot of them, moving through them was rather bothersome and took a long amount of time. With no doubt the three of them would be able to defeat all these bots but not without a scratch or two. The hooded man had begun fighting too. It seemed that he was a marksman with a pretty accurate shot. The only problem was that his bullets weren't good enough to do any damage to the bots. It wasn't a surprise however, with such a weak rifle and non piercing bullets it was only logic that he did nothing to the bots. He would have been better off with a 50. Call instead of the sniper mejigger he had now. To her surprise he actually started doing something. He aimed for their weak spots once he had completed his scan of them and knew a few of their weaknesses. At least he wasn't as dumb as she thought he would be. Kirin was trying to go so fast that she was getting too rash and only immobilised these things. It worked for a few minutes but they got back up and used all their effort to kill Kirin after she had left these bots to die. Kirin clicked her tongue as she glanced behind her. This was getting annoying to get all these robots at once. Just when she was about to turn around to kill the left overs her ears twitched. Her blade was suddenly held by two hands in front of her. Her eyes had widend, she had split one of the bullets Jay had fired at the robots behind her and almost hit Kirin while the bullet left through the robots back. Kirin grit her teeth and gave a blant shout at the man. It wouldn't have hitted her but she still wasn't happy with it. [Center][color=8882be]"Hey moron! Watch out were ya're aiming! I'd like to have all my senses after this."[/color][/center] Just when Kirin didn't pay any attention the robots had noticed. They zeroed in on her from her back and one was ready to attack her full power. It gave her a full thrust towards the side of the bridge. Kirin could barely react and made a quick twist with the blade cutting of its arm. She was too late however and was still hit by the arm rather hard. [color=8882be]"Too slow!"[/color] Her body flung onto the railing of the bridge with the arm bounching of her. She let the blade fall onto the ground as she reached for her belly and puked out a fair amount of blood. Some of her ribs had broken and there was blood coming out just above her forhead that blocked the sight of her left eye. [Center][color=8882be]"God... damnit!"[/color][/center] She grabbed the blade again and lifted herself up with the help of the blade. [Center][color=8882be]"It-t-t-t-tai"[/color][/center] Her eye fired for a moment as she sliced 3 robots surrounding her down in one swing. She positioned herself again and stood in stanch to survive from the upcomming robots. Out of nowhere a pair of headphones fell down from the sky onto her head. She payed little to not attention to it and let the thing sit on her head for the moment. She immediatly could hear Jay talking through the mic and was already annoyed with the tone he had against her. [Center][color=8882be]"Urusai!(shut up) I know what I'm doing."[/color][/center] At that point of time a cannon shot was launched at Kirin. She gritted her teeth and braced for impact. With one slice she sliced it in half. Unfortunately her action didn't seem to be helping as it outright exploded in her face. The area around her was covered in smoke as static sounded through the headphones of Jay. The status of Kirin was currently unknown.