Nenatalev: Level 14 | Day 17 | Afternoon Nenatalev nodded quickly and emphatically as she asked for armour-piercing daggers. She didn't give a level, so Nena would just make the highest she could, and the girl would be happy with them. But, before she could get to her forge, someone else arrived, and introduced himself with titles. Nena couldn't not match them, so she puffed her chest out and grinned broadly. "Hello Bulwar, I am Nenatalev, Queen of the Gorge, Mistress of the Minion Seeds, and Fox-Smith Extrodiare! Please, find a seat if I have put any out and wait for a moment while I make throwy things for this girl who came before you. If I have not put out a seat, please, sit on the floor and ponder why I have not put seats out" she exclaimed, before turning back to her forge, letting the girl go as she grabbed her gear and stuffed it into the forge, pumping the billows until the mateirals became an ingot. Then, extracting the glowing ingot with callipers, she placed it on the anvil, grabbed a hammer, and began to play. The minigames were fun, as a Blacksmith, but nobody could see her play them, so it looked like quite the simple thing, forging. But it was not!