"he really was a good man..." Cami agreed softly, her eyes unexpectedly pricking for a moment, accompanied by a strong wave of sadness. Blinking several times against the threatening tears, she attempted to hide her emotions by crouching down and retrieving her cardboard box. While there, She quickly brushed her cheek against her shoulder, wiping away the tear that had escaped. When she finally straightened up, her emotions were back under control. After a moment, she offered the man a soft smile. "thank you for taking care of things around here." She said sincerely, finally stepping over to a small table just to the side of the front door and setting down her box. "things being kept up will make it that much easier. I must admit, I don't have much experience when it comes to running a farm..." She briefly rubbed the back of her neck, once again feeling a little foolish for dropping everything back in Chicago. But she quickly managed to push her doubts aside, her resolve strengthening. "are you planning on staying on as a farmhand? I could really use the help."