[quote=@Ciphra] It's actually secretly a suicide mission :P But nah, it's just to figure things out sheesh, if all seems calm lately, why wouldn't you send a scouting party when you're curious? [/quote] [quote=@Phobos] But basically what Ciphra said. I planned to release this when Roumenji gave out the missions but Las Noches is just a shell of what it used to be. The hollow activity inside of it is still high but then again, hollow activity has risen throughout all of Hueco Mundo. [/quote] Typically scouting parties aren't told to go straight into the heart of enemy territory, towards a fortified position that holds the majority of their organized forces. Especially when hostile activity has actually been on the rise. Just saying. Oh yeah also [@Phobos], how's my character looking? Still waiting for approval and I think you're in charge of that? I say I think because I don't see your name on the GM list but you still seem to run a good chunk of the game.