[hider=Bob the Drifter] Name: Long forgotten, goes by Bob. Official name on paperwork tends to be signed "Bobuta" Age: Appears late 30s. At least older than 500. Gender: Male Height: 6'9 Weight: 350LBS Hair Color: Grey Eye Color: blue Birthday: Has no idea. Clan/Family: N/A Race: soul Squad&Rank: 13th. Seated member. Spiritual Energy Color: white with a blue outline. Appearance: Lost the picture, need a day or so to find it. Personality: Drawn to medicine by a deep, unshakeable call, but not in any way that might have been considered Hippocratic. An efficient doctor, his main purpose is always research first and foremost, always looking into the complexities of life and death such as they are. In this pursuit he is relentless and potentially immoral, as adding to his already vast knowledge takes precedence over most everything else. Overall mental state could have been attributed to his zanpakuto, which has dredged up and formed by the very worst aspects of his personality, whispering them constantly within his mind. Avoiding punishment is a key factor in his existence, as it would potentially take time away from his research. Has no desire for promotion and as such has nothing against back talking his superiors within reason. Has forgotten his own name and just goes by "Bob." Shows occasional flashes of a man who very much wanted to help people. History: Earliest memory is being a doctor, be it in the human world or the other-side is something long since forgotten. At some point a life changing event switched his personality from well meaning doctor to something more akin to a mad scientist. While it remains unclear what happened, his lack of respect for others and single minded desire for knowledge hints he may lost somebody close to him due to his own ineptitude. Entered the academy after a few decades of being a hobo, graduated at the bottom of his class. Didn't outright fail due to his exceptional skills in kido and brute power. Failed to grasp the finer points of the sword, lacked any interest in his exams, and was generally a poor student all around. Initially assigned to the 4th division due to his skills, but he was also viewed as something of a crackpot and was more interested in what a soul could endure rather than easing their pain. Upon the discovery of his shikai an already moody medic lost all respect for his patients. While a gifted healer, the stories go that the captain wasn't accepting of a man that would rather break than heal. Transferred to the 12th and worked on their various, less than moral,super soldier endeavors. Enjoyed his work there immensely but was eventually canned when new leadership cracked down on the policies of old. Many projects were declared immoral under this new regime, and he was disappointed in "cowards" who would place human rights over the pursuit of knowledge. Transferred again to the 13th where he remains to this day, mostly due to the fact nobody else would have him. Fancies this "12+1" in a bitter attempt to feel superior to them. Has continued his experiments on himself. Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Allies: Bob tends to favor teamwork, and is in fact a very capable tactician. Prefers to use his abilities on others to "help" them but it's actually just enjoying gathering data on their application. Tends to leave the actual healing to others, but will in a pinch. - Soul Society - Test Subjects --Gotei 13 - Advanced Test Subjects. Finds himself at odds with anybody related to the 12th. ---His Squad: Has the slightest respect for his fellow squad mates, mostly due to their drive and devotion to their crafts. Tends to make up names for people. Calls Margaret Maxim"nurse" for example as well as calling his captain "chief." Enemies: If left alone Bob will never kill an enemy. Needless to say, he is best supervised. --Hollows- Field Work Test Subjects ------~Zanpakuto~------ Zanpakuto name: Acheron Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: I am your helmsman, Acheron. Spirit Appearance(Optional): A tiny creature, shaped like a syringe. Has an electronic face that glows in the dark. Tentacle like limbs that end in cartoonish, dark blue, limbs. Has tiny bat wings. To be precise, the liquid inside is Acheron. The spirit itself speaks in riddles, often planting ideas and actions into the user's mind. Has a flawless memory. Inner world: A large body of water in the dark, with a small boat in the middle. Sealed appearance: A katana with a hilt shaped like a syringe. Shikai appearance: A large bonesaw with a syringe motif. Has a needle at the end of it. Looks very much like his sword spirit fused into/holding a saw. Can be extended into a sort of staff or pole with the saw at the end. When released a clear blue liquid will explode from his sword. Bankai appearance: Despite his age and wisdom, has yet to attain bankai. Probably due to his sword having command over him. Shikai special ability: Has various skills that let it release the "limits" of the body. While this sounds mostly beneficial, the side effects are horrible. As a weapon Bob will charge in relentless trying to dig into the enemy and cause as much damage as possible. Skills actually named one,two, and three. Shikai skills: 1. An automatic ability when Archeron is released. In a radius of 500 meters(or less, if deemed necessary) around the user no one is able to feel *any* sort of physical pain. If one were to take damage under this ability, and were to leave this bubble, all of their pain would come rushing back and register at once. This is a horrible experience. User is under the ability as well, most often used as a means to outlast the enemy. Even if Bob is defeated, runs out of power, or even killed the pain would still rush back due to the ability ending. A bubbling noise is heard during. ---Forced End: Shikai is sealed back to it's unreleased state and the damage taken registers on demand. This also occurs if the user is knocked out/removed from the area/or otherwise unable to maintain shikai. 2. A skill meant for offensive damage. Since the enemy can feel no pain while his shikai is active the user gets close and cuts into them. Unlike a sword which is meant to slice, this is meant to cause pain and once in will grow tiny "teeth" to rip around. These teeth are left inside and cause a numbing effect over time. Have to be removed via surgery as they are physical, but retain a small fragment of the user's energy. These remain after the shikai is sealed and Bob loses control over their functions. Look much like bubbles, will turn back into teeth when tampered with via nonsurgical means. 3.(Ultimate Skill): Using the needle on the end of his shikai, Bob stabs the patient and releases their full body potential. This is essentially a super mode that makes them stronger, faster, and causes their energy to constantly pour from their body. However, everything has a price and the body will eventually begin to break down. Can make vizard go berserk if they stay under the skill long enough. Since they feel no pain in the radius of Acheron, it's difficult for the patient to tell just how long they have... Ends when Bob reverts his shikai or the patient passes out/is unable to continue. Stronger the patient the greater the strain. Skills&Masteries Zanjutsu: Proficient. Is horrible with a sword and just uses it as a means to cut,rip,and tear. Kido: Master. Incredibly gifted due to his analytical nature, tough body, and huge pool of energy. Able to deduce if a kido is "irregular". Able to heal, but Specializes in... -Bakudo: His tactic of choice to hold a patient down, or to keep an enemy within his attack range. Shows great creativity, and sometimes people just need to stand still. It'll only hurt for a moment... -Hado: Used as a means to attack his enemy at a range. Can pack a punch. Hakuda: Expert. Due to having a large body and pain tolerance,he can get up close and fight hand to hand quite well. Specialized in power strikes and grappling. Hoho: Proficient. Almost outright ignored this quality. While he can move fast he isn't especially skilled at it. Only bothered because some like to run. Other: Regeneration: Expert. His body is abnormal. Probably as a result from self experimentation. Is able to regenerate from wounds fairly rapidly. Due to this has an incredibly high tolerance for pain. [@Phobos] [/hider]